Been going out A LOT for the whole week ever since the last day of exams... Kindda sick of going out for now... =x People always comment how happy moments pass really fast. And yeah, it sure does; School starts for me right after the week of break!
And that's unfortunately tomorrow. :( Going back to school ain't such a big deal, actually, but having needed to report at a freaking 8:30am is turning me off! :@ Hope it's only a one-time thing. ;) Seriously don't wanna report to school at such an early time daily.
As much as I, kindda, dislike school and exams, I'm not a stay-home-and-slack kindda person either. -.- Slacking at home daily for a long period of time is boring. Lol. Even if there're millions of videos and shows out there for me to watch. That kindda life, is just too meaningless, so, school's not such a big fuss. :D
PS: I know I'm weird. . . Lol.
Anyway, I find it somewhat amusing how some people can just grumble and grumble and yeah, grumble non-stop. =.= Complaining or grumbling doesn't change a single thing about a situation unless you do something about it... Life's like that, so just accept things as they are. But if you don't have a change in mindset, you'll always be stuck in that miserable and maybe pathetic state. :/ Do something in life that'll make your life less miserable. It's a pain to watch you people living life like that. =,=
★Honestly, not referring to anyone in particular. Just what I feel after doing HOURS of blog hopping. But, if you feel the prick, you should know what it means; do some reflecting and make changes to your life already!★
My sister is partially sucked to SHINee. Haha. Interesting how people and things can influence another over time. :/ And no, don't accuse me of anything that's related to this. Lol.
Oh ya! Today's really productive for me^^
Almost done with TWO birthday presents (hehehe!), cooked red bean soup, made grass jelly drink and played 4hours straight of SIMS3! Weeeeeeeee~~~ LOL!
Sigh. Okay, I'm still bored even when I'm blogging. =.=
Going to get some sleep or get back to my present preparation! :D