But then again, mostly pictures today because I've got no eye deer what I wanna blog about. x\
LOL! I just thought of what I wanna blog. Pardon~ :p
I loveeeee applying for an off-day right before or after a public holiday! ^^ I'll get longer breaks from work and spend quality time with the family and at home~~ HEHE. It has been quite some time since I rot at home with videos, shows, TV programs and more slacking! <3 Too much of something certainly makes you grow sick of it... I still remember being bored of rotting at home about month ago. xD
And oh! It's May already! How time flies, it's been a month since I started working! :O Lol. Can't wait to get my first pay. hehehe.
Has also been a month since I last met up with Emily Rachel Syu and all!!! Also, has been nearly two months since I last met Guan and all. TSKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!
Anyways, the last day to 2011's first quarter was spent with the family... What a bulllll~ that TWG had a long queue. Just when I wanted to treat the family to something uberrrr nice! :((( An hour wait was madness! End up going for TCC, which wasn't at all a bad choice. HEHEHE.

Feeling hungry? LOL.

Seriously, EVERYTHING was nice!!!!
Can't wait to dine there again... :D

Oh yeah, here you have my new strawberry necklace and my now found necklace I bought in Hong Kong!!! ;)
ps: Gotta stop misplacing stuffs. =x
Long story why. But yeah, I CAN'T WAIT! :)

All for granny's birthday!!! ;)
Reminds me of something. My granny is too cute! She told my aunt I'm attached to a richhh guy who drives me around and treats me really good. HAHAHA. I wonder where she got that idea and what kindda look did she picture my "boyfriend" to have. LOL. Too cute. My aunt didn't believe me when I denied! Tskkkk. Okay, random. xD LOL.


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