Lunch with Huanqing and Christina and dinner with EC mates...

Gift from Christina for my Birthday! :D
Lunch-ed with Huanqing and Christina. :D
PS: Thanks Huanqing for the XLB and Siewmai treat! :D
Shopped and I bought toothbrush holder for my family, hehehe.
Chilled thereafter.
Christina's BF came, sat around and waited for time to pass. :(
Afterwhich, train-ed down to town.
First accompanied Huanqing to her station AND SHE PS-ED ME!!!
Didn't even wanna wait for my train to arrive before I TRAVEL BACKWARDS TO MY STATION! Lol.
So much for repeating "Jasmine, you are my best friend." For like every few minutes! Hmpf. Lol.
Then, it was window shopping around Takashimaya. And boy, I shouldn't have shopped alone! :( Couldn't decide if I should get some things and even up just window shoppinggggggg... :( So wanna get some materials for scrapbooking, SO PRETTY!!!! :D
Shopped for about... an hour before meeting Bingcheng, Weibin and Jinhui.
Then for another hour for the rest to arrive. -.- They were kindda really late and behind schedule. :(
But good thing my mum wasn't pissed with me exceeding curfew by quite a lot. hehehe.

Dined at Tony Romas.
Not many pictures taken...

The salad was good!

Yanling's blurry shots. HAHA.
And mine below~

They are good expensive food. Lol.

Mine! Chewed till my mouth sore like mad.
Looks good right? LOL!

Had alcohol drinks too! :D
Spent about ... half an hour - 45 minutes to actually CALCULATE THE BILL!! So complicated... Dinner was total up to 344bucks! Zzz Treat Edmond for his birthday somemore~~
I should have asked for a treat too. HAHAHAH!
Afterwhich, wanted to cab home but Edmond's dad came by instead. ^^

Cute right? Hehehe.
I bought it for my familyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
And, I'm ending this now. ^^