Our third day was probably the most jam-packed day of activities and places visited! We really travelled around.
To summarise; We had an extremely good sandwich for breakfast before cycling along Han River, then checked out Noryanjing Fish Market and had fresh seafood for lunch before we went for a walk around Changdeokgung. Made a last minute stop at Itaewon so Jolene could finally get her embroidered luggage tag before we board a cable car up Namsan. I love Namsan! Then, we took a bus to Myeongdong for some shopping!
A good 15-hour exploration!
All made-up for our long day ahead!
Visiting Korea during their Summer season is not that bad an idea; they have good sun without the heat!

Before anything, Banana Milk to kickstart the day! ♥

Was following the GPS to our breakfast location when we walked past a stairway of rainbow! This is just a....... 10 minutes walk from our apartment? Super love how Isaac Toast is so near our apartment; walkable! I would eat that every morning if I can.
&Back to the rainbow stairs, of course we stopped to take pictures together! Hehe.

PS: Not sitting on the steps because it was too early in the morning to dirty our bottoms already. :X

So.... this stairway was facing a small two-way road with more shops opposite; but that openness to staring passer-bys ain't gonna stop girls from taking pictures when it's a nice spot! hahahaha. We set up our tripod along that slanted pavement and snapped away!
Definitely less embarrassing when you do things together. :p

This outlet is right infront of Hongik University.
At some point, we saw students slowly streaming into their schools. I kindda miss going to school? The different carefree lifestyle...........................

The interior was simple! This is around, 830am?
早起的鸟儿有虫吃!Early risers get the worms. Lol. We didn't have to wait for seats.
More customers started streaming into the shop at 9am.

A very good spot, albeit the sunshine and slight heat.
I can stay there all day with a book and people-watch..
So, we took turns checking out the menu and ordered! Self-service.

Our sandwich choices and

&Oh, I just realise... My current K actor is on the cup holder♥♥♥

Happy and satisfied faces after tasting one of the best sandwiches!!!!!!!
Okay, fine.
Maybe that's an exaggeration; I know Weishan wasn't as huge a fan of the toast as I am. There's corn in the scrambled egg! And Shan isn't a fan of corns.
Anyway! I really love it because it's very very tasty and there was a generous amount of filling! The cabbage, egg with corn(!!!) and meat inside the lightly toasted bread with butter. Just thinking about it is making me salivate!
I had another serving one of the days along Ewha University while waiting for the girls to be done shopping. ♥
After fuelling up for the day; we took a 15-minute train ride to Yeouinaru Station to cycle!

Such a nice weathered day.

The view beautified with my pretty girlfriends!
From where we exited (cannot remember if 2 or 3), it was quite a long walk to the bicycle rental booth - at least 20 minutes walk? But I had a great time just strolling and snapping pictures/videos. ^^

Jo looking distraught because we have been walking for a while, but saw no sight of the bicycle rental booth.. We couldn't be sure if we were going the right direction too. Lol.

We allocated about 2 hours for cycling that day. Not very well thought through because it was just slightly past 11am when we started?
THE SUN! THE SCORCHING HOT SUN! Hottest time of the day. Man........
In the end, we only did 1 hour? :( Apart from the sun, I think we were at the leas scenic part of Han River too.... View was just okay. And then.......... also, the back tire to my bicycle went flat -.-
SO HAVE TO DO THIS AGAIN! And this time, maybe start cycling at 4pm? Lol. And probably find another starting point~

Nonetheless... I really enjoyed that hour!
Actually less than one hour because we spent about a quarter of the time taking pictures. HAHAHA. Gorgeous backdrop!

After the unsatisfying cycle, we took a train down to Noryanjin (노량진) Market! Just in time for lunch.

I have never seen such extended variety of seafood!
Okay, fine.. Not my first time there. Lol.
But I believe this is the new location? I remember the place was a lot more fish market-ish the last time I visited back in 2014. Ah right... It was also stated "New" in my first picture, at the start of the sheltered pavement.

When you enter the market, there are translators (mostly Chinese?) walking around "targetting" foreigners to help them make seafood selection and then bring them up to their restaurants to prepare the dishes. The translators were pretty useful because almost everyone was selling the same thing? They helped explained some stuff and communicated with the stall owners.
Not sure if there is a standardised price for their seafood, but the competition must be high? There were literally rows of stalls selling the same kind of seafood. It was like we were buying them based on which ahjummas we like. LOL.

A huge slab of salmon sashimi!

Yes, that's all ours!!! Super shiok!
We got that and also got a crab and some prawns.

Huge hor!

Super fleshy!
The girls actually only wanted sashimi, but since we were already there, I thought why not try others! In the end, I ate most of the crab myself. LOL. I also ordered a bottle of soju which the girls didn't enjoy, so I finished 3/4 of it myself too. Not the best decision because it was still very early? But I was slightly tipsy after that and felt very happy. HAHA.

I like how Koreans prepare seafood... They pretty much just steam them, which largely retains the taste of the sea creature. The best kind to serve fresh seafood!

The things bestfriends make each other do. hahahaha.
NEXT UP! Changdeokgung and Huwon (창덕궁과 후원).

Random shot of someone's umbrella because I thought it was pretty? LOL.
It is not Jolene and my first time in Korea, and we have both been to the Gyeongbokgung (경복궁). So we thought it made better sense to check out a different palace. To be honest... They look pretty much the same la! :X
Then again, I would actually say I like Changdeokgung more! Gyeongbokgung is just big, but Changdeokgung is a lot prettier... Colours of each houses(?) are a lot more vibrant!

We spent A LONG time here; taking pictures. Many many pictures.

All same same, but different!

This was the other side of the same place. LOL.
&That was after our MANY attempts at a jumpshot.
Failed miserably and end up feeling exhausted.

Cannot believe how they are all individually painted.
The effort.......................

It was a really glorious day to visit the palace! Such great weather.

Oh right! Apparently, there's also this secret garden within Changdeokgung. That was one of the other reasons why we chose this palace instead... But, we didn't know it was another ticket for that. So we decide to save on that and explored just the palace instead.

Us just sitting outside the entrance resting as Jolene searches up the luggage tag place!
She was so tempted to get it, but was afraid she'll be wasting our time. Hahaha. But of course, as great friends as we are~ What is that 30 minutes waiting for her to decide and purchase that tag? Should have gotten her to buy us a meal wasting time like that. :P Also had to return to the place next day or two, actually... Wa, should have told her to buy us a meal!!!
But anyway, we took a cab down because we were too tired. Lol.

Random view of Kungfu panda.

My first yam milketea!
So after we were done with Jolene's luggage tag; we took another cab (hahaahah) to the Namsan Tower cable car boarding area. The queue was damn bloody long please. -.- And the car was so insanely filled with people! No personal space.
The only thing I hate for being short; some people's pits and my face is too damn close!

&We're up! After a short hike up the stairs.

In time for sunset! ♥


Walked around a bit and headed off to Myeondong, BY BUS!
First time taking their public buses. Though nothing special........ WE TOOK THE BUS! Lol.
Not many pictures taken that night at Myeongdong since it was just shopping~ But, I did take pictures of some food we ate.

There was a long queue for this and it looked damn good?
Well, it was pretty good. LOL.

Didn't buy this, just thought it was super cute how it's just filled with watermelon. Lol.


It is a strawberry, coated with redbean paste inside a really soft mochi!

WA I LOVE IT!!! I went back to buy another one.
If only I could get a box! Wanted to buy home, but we didn't return to Myeongdong after this night.
Shopping experience at Myeongdong wasn't as nice as I remembered in 2014. There were too many Chinese..... Too many because most of them were attending the shops, in preparation for Chinese tourists. That's like double the population! Can never escape them, can we? Lol.
Anyway, the prices in these shops seemed slightly more expensive than those you can get from Express Bus Terminal or just the outlets at the streets of Edae or Hongdae! After this trip, I came to know that.......... though one brand can have 2 outlets in the same area, they could hold DIFFERENT promotions!
Like the Innisfree stores we saw somewhere... The first Innisfree shop didn't have what I want so I just bought other stuff (sponge) and went to another outlet which was just.... a street or two away.. While they did have what I wanted, I realise they were holding different promotions! Some items were cheaper! TSK.
So if you see something relatively cheap, JUST BUY ONLY! Don't think that you can get the same at another outlet.
After following the girls to hunt for more cosmetics (some they were buying for people), we finally found a place to settle our feet and fill our tummy!

Yoogane (요가네)!
First time trying it and I'm glad it was in Korea...
Jolene recommended sweet potato ricecake. SO NICE!
&That was it..............

DAY 4 | DAY 5 | DAY 6 | DAY 7 & Last Day
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