Super duper happy we got to celebrate our anniversary on the day itself this year. HEHE.
ps: We are supposedly a group of 13.
But, unfortunately, a few of us somehow drifted apart or just stop joining any activities altogether. :((
It's okay though, past memories together as 13 were still awesome.
&So now, WE'RE THE PERFECT 10!!! :D

ps: Just realize Gary's missing in the first picture so here's a full groupshot! :D
With it still being the Lunar New Year, we planned something suitable for the festive and our anniversary!!!
Hence, we had a fairly simple and looong yet really fun and happy time together yesterday. ^^
A quick summary of what we did throughout the 10 full hours together. ♥

For the Lunar New Year, we visited each other's place!!
Something we've never done before as an entire clique.
Only 5 houses were available but it was more than enough to keep us occupied for half the day! ^^

We also managed to SURPRISE SAMUEL!!!!!
He's turning 23 in a week's time but I know he'll definitely not celebrate it with us so TADAAAH!!!
SURPRISE!!!! Hehe.

It's been a while since we lou hei together.
Actually, I can't remember when's the last time. :x
But this is definitely the first time all 10 of us are doing it together! ^^

And what's Lunar New Year without some gambling?!!
Our first time gambling together and only my second time at it! :O
Played a little here and there in some houses but went full on at Lance's place.
Crazy fun with this bunch of friends even while gambling. Lol.
&Lastly, the highlight of our day..........

Unfortunately, Soohou couldn't join us for this short activity.
The most anticipated activity of the day. Kek.
We initially thought we'll not have enough time and energy for this but I'm freaking glad we made it. ^^
&That was how we spent our anniversary together
Just realize there were so many 'first times' for us yesterday. :')
I hope we'll still be this close 15 years down the road.
Possibly not meet as often by then, but hopefully still crazy and close.
I remember a friend always saying; Quality > Quantity.
So true. Better to have quality time together than having the quantity but with detached behaviors.
With the end of my summary comes with the picture spam!!!! :D

@Kesslyn's house.
Just like Saturday, her house was like a meeting point for us.
Everyone took time to reach her place and officially start the day from there.
Chatted a little and had a quick bite, snacks + 长寿面 (longevity noodles), for breakfast; All thanks to Kesslyn's mother!
Pity Jolene couldn't see Kesslyn's brother though. Hahaha!
She was so so so cute claiming how the roasted jerky tasted bitter because it was a gift from Kesslyn's brother girlfriend. Lol.

Selfies before moving on to the next house!

Have never been there before.

Our first game of the day.

Stupid Soohou. Lol.
There were also videos..
Each taking turns to do "HUAT AH!!!". &As usual Karena's was the funniest.
Upload them when I have. :3

Next up, Chiulee's new place!!!!
Very nice environment but the place was kindda small. ><
Future of our homes...

Also had lunch there!
Super nice beehoon, curry & Ngoh Hiang that her mother prepared!!!!! (Y)!

Taken before lunch.

Taken while preparing to take pictures of the surprise. hehehe.

OH! Lance only joined us from here onward.
He was also the one who brought the cake. hehe.

Just chilling while Lance and I were outside preparing and lighting up the cake!

This Samuel still clueless. LOL.
He even told us he was prepared to sing along too; thinking it was one of Chiulee's family members birthday.

Happy Samuel is happy!!! :D

But Samuel proceeded to looking sian. >:( Lol.

After singing and blowing the candles, everyone got distracted because Chiulee's baby nephew came out!

Creepy Samuel.

I hope we'll get to celebrate more birthdays with this kid. xD

Can you see why everyone got all distracted and forgot Samuel's birthday?! LOL.

Preparing to take pictures!
Happy that we managed to take group pictures at everyone's place. heheheeh.

@Jolene's House!
Everyone took turns to be sniffed by her dog, Whiskey, before we entered the house.
Greeted her mother and visited the toilet before we LOU HEI (Prosperity Toss)!!!! :D
Got the 鱼生 (yusheng) from the Zi Char near Chiulee's place.
Initial plan was to do it at Chiulee's place but because the stall wasn't opened yet, we just had lunch and cake!
It turn out to be better though, at least we got a half hour break before having an emptier stomach for 鱼生.

Jojo's mother did the pouring and all.
Everyone didn't know the proper order so we just did however we wanted to. haha.

Lucky they gave us two packets.
A little bit sad that we were given another kind of fish instead of Salmon though. But it was still nice. Lol.

And I'm guilty for not cleaning up this time. :x

Thereafter, we sat around just for a little bit before leaving.
&I took the chance to take pictures with everyone!
Pictures in tinted blue because I was using one scene mode on my camera~

psst: My smile is all weird in the picture with Soohou because prior to that shot, Jolene's mother stuffed us with pineapple tarts! Lol.

Yes, I took a lot of pictures with chiobu Karena. Lol.

Monkey Lance!


&Here's us after taking group shots.
We're all laughing and smiling because...... I can't remember. :/
Group shots here were really nice therefore, they all got arranged in other part of this entry. ^^


Final stop @ Lance's Place!

First thing we did was gamble.
Played 'Inbetween'.
Fun. Win and lose money very fast though.

Our pool of money.
I think our pool of money got up to more than $60 at one point. Lol.
And we all started with just $0.50 per person. :O
Soohou lost the most because he bet big money!

I was barely winning until Weishan gave me a good range of cards and I went all-in.
WIN ALL THE MONEY!!!! hahah.
End up winning about...... $6? After the entire game. (Y)!
My spousey is my ladyluck. HAHAHAAHAH. :p


Especially at Soohou.

Everyone unprepared and Gary's just there clicking on my remote. Tsssssk.
Except Lance who just look totally unimpressed. Lol.

We stayed a little longer in Lance place before some gave Soohou a ride home and the rest of us proceeded to Plaza Singapura for our Lasertag. HEHEHE.
Averagely, we were at each other's place for about an hour. Even though we exceeded our scheduled time by a little, we were still able to finish everything we have planned. ^^

First mission was a solo fight.
I initially thought we'll have 20 minutes of game place but it turns out to be only 15 minutes.
But in just that 15 minutes, we had a lot of fun. The girls screamed a lot. Lol.
And the guys, especially Gary, sweated a bucket. Lol.
I was very afraid that I would end up being the last because I kept being shot. x,x
Too lousy in this game.
But turns out I wasn't!!!! I'm the second last!!!!! LOL.
psst: Weishan was the last. HEHE.
But I think we were just 7% apart.

After laserops, we all headed down to The Cathay for dinner @ Astons.
Dinner was filled with many small talks! It's nice to have small talks like these, but I'll always prefer the entire clique do something together or chat as a whole (lol). :3
Because it was a Sunday and most of us have school and work today, our night ended at around 10pm.
The night didn't end just like that for Jolene and Karena though.
We finish off the night with a good chat until 3am this morning. HEHE.
&Of course, I didn't go to work today. :X
Our second heart-to-heart talk session.
Would have been perfect with Weishan but I'm still glad we had the session. ♥
After each heart-to-heart talk, we get even closer. And I get to understand them even more.
&There you have it.
Our Sunday together celebrating the Lunar New Year, our anniversary and Samuel's birthday! ^^

It's been 7 years being friends with them.
How surreal. So much time has passed.
To think we started off as tweenagers seven years ago, and is now still going strong as young adults.
Lets all grow old and senile, &then be friends again!!! xD
^Got it from some picture Jolene whatsapp-ed us once. HEHE. :')
Each year, and during every meetup, I feel nothing but thankful and loved.
Thankful to have been blessed with these many wonderful friends.
&Loved because.... they love me?! LOLOL. I hope so.
I definitely love them all though. ♥
I am just grateful to have randomly got together with them, and then continue to become really good friends.
13 or 10 of us. I treasure this friendship.
I am even more grateful to have gotten closer to Weishan Jolene and Karena; because of NPCONCC.
It's like I got myself three sisters from different parents! Lol. My three precious girlfriends. ^^
Okay, mushy thoughts aside.
We'll be 26 by then. OMG OMG OMG!!!


After Karena tried to punch my boobs. LOL.

Super love this picture, everyone so happy!!!
One picture to sum up our friendship.
Nothing but all smiles and sometimes stares from other people (Like Lance & Gary).

Prosperity Toss with my hair too? xD
ps: I'm so going to miss my current hairstyle. :(

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