Friday, January 22, 2010

Weighing Me Down...

... Projects are not weighing me down.
Instead, the hardcore reality and my thoughts are. . .


I've been disappointing myself a lot lately.
Not performing my best, procrastinating almost every project and avoiding responsibilities as much as I can. My current grades are depressing. And because there won't be examinations for most of my modules; it spells "screw up, semester" for me.

"It's never too late", unfortunately, cannot be applied to this Semester at all.
Now, it's really too late.

Though I hate going for Exams, I guess that's the only way for me to see hope in my already-pathetic grades this Semester. But then again, screw that.
So much for setting goals...
I've been in the laidback state for too long.

The week has been fine and busy, I guess?
The only day I can remember is Wednesday. Took the last killer test for now. And, I'm glad I've passed it (Our awesome tutor had it marked and gave us good news today!). Finally, one of the hardwork being paid off. :D Also went singing with Yingling and Siewcheng on Wednesday. It was a nice session over at "Cash Studio", singing with them makes me... stress-free. And for once, I actually heard myself sing. LOL!
Though I kindda frequent KBox last time; it's usually the case where I hear my friends more than I hear myself. (Because they are louder than me even though I'm the one holding on to the mic) Haha.

Didn't get to take picture with Yingling...

"Cash Studio" has a lot more songs! LOL. Korean ones too. Wooooooooo~~
But there weren't even ONE SHINee song. =.= Even their juniors' songs were up please, what are they doing?! Lol.
I was so sad, I went to select a remake and sang the Korean version of it. =x

That aside; though there were good news in the afternoon today, the morning was... O,O To me, I haven't done well for Business Communication. I thought I could have done better. Seriously. Mostly Bs and a C?! Not pretty. Not pretty at all.
But, oh well.

What is life without falling?
(Hopefully, I can quickly pick up myself and start running again.)

Are you well prepared for life ahead of you? :|

I randomly thought about my prepare-ness.
I don't think I am at all.

Talked about results, thought about Overseas Attachment(OA), thought about graduation, thought about life and all.

That's what weighing me down.

Reality has finally hit me.

After being shortlisted for Suzhou OA, everything suddenly seem... scary. Time's passing by so fast. Before we all know it, we'll be having our own families already. :S But never mind that. OA is not a decision I've regretted. I'm just... being home-sick already. LOL. Well, not exactly. But this OA kindda signify adulthood to me. Hitting the 20s soon.
Yes, 2010 has only started; just let me worry for now... =x

It's so scary thinking about life ahead. How I wish I was always 16 or 18. Life under the wing of my parents. Wasting about... 99% of my life without having to worry about a single thing. Other than grades that is. And, getting enough to spend without laying fingers on anything stressful. LOL!

Can everything just slow down a bit? :/

yao tou. CUTE RIGHT! It's even cuter when it shakes under light. HAHAHHHA.

PS: Are you prepared for your life?
PS/PS: I'm still considering about 31st. Should I go? :S