Sunday, January 24, 2010


Damn annoyed.
Some people don't respond. -.- While some doesn't respond properly. =.= Is it that difficult to read instructions?! Especially when it's important? I reckon the pair of eyes or the brain is given for nothing.
If you have get annoyed by some people doing crap work, I don't get it why you do them too?! Don't say you hate how they do things because you are no better; you don't put in effort either. =.=|| Hate it when people say a thing but do another. Crap.

What a way to start an entry.
That aside, Saturday was well-spent. Woke up early to start off some project, headed out, facial-ed, and went shopping with Xiaoxuan. Dreadful. Orchard, 313 Somerset, was filled with people. :( Bought a top and we finally had out X'mas gift exchange! :D Lol. Bought each other self-chosen accessories. Xiaoxuan always eye for something more expensive! Tsk. ;p

Then it was OG! Lol. There were nice and expensive clothes okay!!! :S Had nice long chats while walking, shopping and waiting for the fitting room to be empty. Nice nice. ^^ Afterwhich, meeting time was really near. Xiaoxuan had a tough time deciding if she should join my dinner date. In the very last 15 minutes, she decides to join me and we walked to Tha Cathay!! :D

Saw Eloise right away. :D Queue-d, Alicia and Grace came, waited, queue-d, waiting and ordered our food. Took us 30minutes++ to queue and 40minutes++ for our food to arrive. -.- But it was kindda worthy, food was cheap and nice. :D Xiaoxuan got another treat from me. !!!!!! When is my B&J happening?! Lol. Sigh, I'm such a nice friend. =x LOL!

Everyone was practically stoning over the dinner table. LOL. Eloise worked for the day, the girls went preparing for their fanmeeting stuffs and I was almost dead. But it was still nice having dinner and stone-chatting. LOL! Spazzed a little too, Xiaoxuan just kept silent almost during the whole meal. Lol.
Anyway, decided to not go over on the 31st. :'( I'll confirm regret this. But, oh well.

Afterwhich, separated and home-sweet-home.
Totally abandoned Xiaoxuan when I started my lappie. LOL!

Had many stuffs done last night before I sleep.
*yawns* Woke up early to continue work...

Honestly, I really prefer doing projects than preparing for exams. I never have enough concentration to focus and stufy. Pfft!

Talking about schoolwork again, I gotta get back to work.

Sister. ;)