Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I guess the only things I'll regret would be the things I say.
Sometimes, I'll accidentally say things I'm not suppose to. I tend to give comments, A LOT OF COMMENTS, when I'm in conversations. :S Really need to change these. But I guess I'm on track because I've been shutting many things within; that aren't appropriate for broadcasting. LOL! Just the commenting part.. hmmm.

Humans are sometimes really amazing; they have this way of saying things that make you agree with them... Even though you are unaware of the whole situation; the two sides of the story. You'll just receive the one side information and believe it whole-heartedly and giving comments that aren't really that beneficial to the whole situations or both parties. :S

Been there.
Done that, TWICE. -.-

Honestly, I regret giving comments. I should have just listened and kept quiet throughout the conversation. Now that I know even more; I can't help getting bothered by it. Frigging guilty and regretful. =.= To make it worse, I can't even make any comment to the people involved at all. :(

Asked Weishan why people get pissed and complain about some people but will still end up letting every anger go when they come together. I guess they mean too much to allow us to bear grudges for long...

Or maybe, we're just too nice. HAHAHA!

Okay, that aside.

Hehehe. Trying to waste my phone's battery. =x

Siyi ~~ :D


Days have been nice.
Today's weather is horrible!! Omg~
Feeling in between ill and healthy these days. Tormenting!!
Deadlines all nearing and I'm going to be busy! But I'll survive through. ;)
Their arrival's nearing. But I guess I have to let go of this opportunity. Kyaaaa! Second regret in my left, I bet. LOL.

Now that I'm done sorting my thoughts, I should get back to work. :D
