Thursday, January 28, 2010


I am extremely exhausted and sleepy but! my head is hurting so much, I can't seem to concentrate on resting. =.=
Shall do a entry before trying to head back to bed again.

Siew Cheng with her new bangs! :D

Lim Guan too! HAHA!

The heat is really unbearable lately.
There are people freezing in other places, but we are mostly dying from the heat. Zzz So unfair!! *pouts* I wanna go to some other country and ski. (Ahaha. Random.)

That reminds me! It's going to be kindda hard for SHINee's first visit!! Lol. (Just let me rant a while. kekeke) They're either in Japan or Korean now; which I suppose are having their post-winter weather. Chilly and kindda cold. But when they arrive in the small dot, they are going to die from the heat! Seriously. I hope it rains a little for the next few days they are in Singapore. Or at the very least, more breeze and less heat. LOL!
OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! They are arriving tomorrow!!!! :D *dies at the thought of it*
I hope crazy shawols don't scare them!!! :@


I keep getting headaches on-and-off prolly due to the heat. Zzz My throat's better after Vitamin Cs and plenty of water. But now, it's flu. Zzz What a great boost during this busy period.

School's been usual.
Mostly wasting our time being in school; to stone. =x

Went to school for a presentation and headed straight back home because my head wasn't being very nice to me. Skipped an important briefing. :S Wanted to start on my CRM report but dozed off right infront of my laptop, with the report opened. =.=||| "Napped" for 2hours++?! Felt better but it was time to head out again... Zzz

I should have just cancelled my driving lesson. But then, no, I can't afford to do that. It's nearing. Instructor pissed me off initially too. -.- But he didn't charge me that much. kekeke.

Good thing I didn't cancel it. =x Though the glaring sun rays blinded me 89% of the time, I was able to perform my best so far!!! Wooooo~~~ I hope I'm like that during the test *starts praying*.
I really really really wanna get it before my 19th birthday!!!

Okay, my head is hurting again.
I really wish it would stop hurting me. Feels like it's going to explode or something. omg... =.=

***Please, I really need rest. -.-