Sunday, January 31, 2010

Best Place.

750th entry. ;)
***Cute background for February credit Eloise noona~~~ :d

ANNYEONG!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

New colour scheme for the month of February! :D hehehe.
Pink pink pink!! :S


After sleeping for almost half the day on Thursday, I woke up feeling so much better on Friday!! :D
School was usual.




During our last lesson that day~~

While tutor was going around doing project consultation~ :D

Other group member disturbing... :D

Took Guan very long to get her peace side around her face. -.- LOL!

Huixiang, Jasmine, Limguan. :D


Guan's sweatshirt.

Ice-mountain and Koufu's mineral water ambassador. LOL! =x

LOL!!!!! Funnnnnnyyyyyy!

Lesson ended off with bad news. :'(
After school was a practical test I TOTALLY SCREW UP!!! Damn head. Damn lousy memory. Damn codes.
Afterwhich, headed home to put stuffs before heading out to fetch the girls from town. :D Sent Jolene to Tampines and picked Cindy up.

People always say 3 women = 1 market yeah?

I think my clique has an exception...

Jolene + Yaping = ONE HUGE NOISY MARKET!!!!
LOL! Instead of 3, our clique just needs 2 to make up a market. Lol. And an extremely noisy and high-pitched one. =x =x =x =x While travelling from town to Tampines, the girls were damn chatty and noisy; with screams and yelling here and there. LOL. Poor Weishan, seated in the middle. Lol. Gary and I even had to pause a few times during our conversation because we couldn't hear each other at all. LOL!
PS: Ping, Jojo, you girls know; I STILL LOVE YOU~~~ *insert angel emoticon!* hehehe.

Snacked at chomps; chicken wings, satay, rojakkkkk! :)
Then, Thai Express-ed after Gary fetch Sam over. :D

Tan Weishan!
Challenged me to a random water parade and she didn't allow me to go to the toilet before we start drinking even though I wanted to go pretty badly! Lol. In the end, she still lost. HAHAH! Funny.

Talking about funny; that Cindy Ng ish !!! First, was the chilli at chomps. Then, was some dish at Thai Express THAT WAS FREAKING SPICY!!! She was totally laughing at my expression uh! :( LOL!

Hougang Mall-ed (at 10pm!!),
Soohou join in,
sent Cindy home, and
home sweet home!
(The rest went for "Tooth Fairy" at E-Hub)

Ended Friday nicely;

Read some fans' discussion about their experience in the airport waiting for SHINee's arrival (in SFI's sbox). And I saw a few fancams and a picture...

The place was OH.MY.GOD. looks like airport was frigging flooded with screaming, excited and happy fans uh! Lol. Ahhh~ And I'm glad one of the episodes to their reality show might have been filmed in Singapore!!! Wooooooooooo~~~

But I really really hope the heat was bearable! Lol.
Dang! Who am I kidding?! =x Singapore's weather is just a bad-ass killer! :@


Some overdue pictures!! :D

Up studying for some test. (:

It was either Gary or Terrence who hit the video-call button! Lol.

We were having class IN THE SAME ROOM!!! Lol.

Here, you can see me being bullied. Lol.

Finally seeing Terrence from the other side. lol!



Today was well-spent too!!! :D
Woke up early to settle a little project stuff,
Video-d for a while. ;)
Then, headed out...

As for the next 9 hours...
Compass Point-ed
(With parents. A pity sister was out with friends, else, it'll be a nice family day out! :D)

Worse part of today?
Parents yelling at each other. -.- They can't seem to not do that for a long time... I hear them doing so almost every... 2hours?! Annoying shit. Seriously. -.- Whether was it for fun or for real.


Leaving this space with a picture of sister and I. =x LOL!
While she was sleeping last night, spot her small face! hehe.