Okay, blogging starts now! hehe.
30th MARCH 09
Shopping shopping shopping!! :D
Met up with Weishan, Jolene, Yaping and Soohou yesterday to kill some time rather than stoning at home. ;x LOL! We were all late except Soohou, always punctual.
First met with Yaping before we proceed on to Hougang Mall with Weishan to settle her stuffs. Then, travelled to Orchard and walked to Takashimaya - which felt like forever! x= To kill time, we decide to fill our tummy first. Walked around the Food Village got some food and started to eat near the fountain. :D

In the MRT! :D &While waiting for Soohou to contact us. ;)

Our foodddddddd! :D
See how Yaping bullied my fishy! Lol.
Damn. I'm craving for it now. :S
Happily and engrossed in our food unlike Weishan, having fun snapping people's unglam expressions.. Lol.
When we were almost done, Yaping spotted this really weird guy who seem to be talking to us (because we were at the corner and no one was behind us) doing weird finger actions. x.x HE EVEN WENT REALLY CLOSE TO WEISHAN AND DID WHAT HE DOES WITH HIS FINGER AND TOTALLY FREAKED WEISHAN OUT!!!!
Like really omg! Lol. Though we were laughing at Weishan who was pretty much traumatized by him , we were quite freaked out too. Weishan was really freaked because her back was facing him uh and we didn't expect him to do what he did. Like... =.=|||
THIS IS A PICTURE OF THE GUY! Can't believe Weishan and Soohou actually took a picture of him. =.= Lol.
NEVER MIND~ The thought about the situation is... ew~
Quoted from Weishan's Blog -
Then i got a phone call from Jolene.
and after i hang up, the next time i knew..
was this guy. CRAZY GUY (he's really mad!!)
He did this wriggling-finger-action RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE.
I stoned there for a few seconds and i didn't even dare to turn back to look at him!
i swear my heart almost stopped. then at lightning speed, i packed all my stuffs and ran over to where soohou's sitting.
omg. i'm still feeling traumatized when writing this.
Before everything, yaping was somehow whispering to me that this same guy was doing the action to them too.
right behind my back. but i didn't think much about it and continue chit-chatting.
my heartless friends still laughed at me :(

Judge Weishan's lousy, shaky hands! Lol.
After which, went to look for Jolene before we started to shop. And, our first stop was Wisma's Forever 21~~~ Shopped and tried some clothes before we moved on to Cotton On. :D Then.. yadah yadahhh... shopping, shopping, shopping!! :D:D:D:D Went around town uh. All of us bought something except Weishan. :D
Only Weishan didn't get anything this time round~~
Window shopping luh hor, Weishan! Lol.

Walking around town...
Hmmm.. Going up Wisma to look for TopShop. :D
Most of us wanted Weishan to stand infront because she has the smallest head?! Lol. Can't remember. Gary definitely have to stand wayyyy back if he was with us. Haha!
RANDOMNESS! xp Can you see me? ;)
Dinner was settled in Compass Point's Ajisen to convenient Yaping. Later was shopping in Cold Storage because my troublesome mother wants me to get something (forever one!!) before I cabbed home dropping Weishan near her place. :D

Our dinner! ;) Mine's the odd one out yet again. Spot it. ;)
They were commenting how out of place I was becausee I was the only one in black yesterday. hurhur.
Taking pictures before our dinner was served! :D
Nice picture! ;x With Weishan's face cut half. Haha!
Jolene and Soohou. :D
The person who was the latest, treat us to drinks! ;)
&& She was so sad. Haha!
One last group picture before we parted with Yaping for her to attend her Piano lessons. :D We were noble enough to have dinner so near to her piano lesson class lo! Hahaha.
Weishan imitating my wide smile and the really annoying gums I have. ;x Haha!
HOME SWEET HOME ! And I think I'm getting a tad used to cabbing. ;x
31st MARCH 09
Singing singing singing!! :D
Woke up pretty late and had my breakfast before I headed down to meet Yanling. Jiaxuan was so late lo!! Lol. So much for liking to be on time most of the time. Haha!
Went to Hougang Plaza's KBox! :D
(OMG! Just realise you can see a little of me. x; I just took it one k! Lol)

With Jiaxuan and Yanling. :):):):) Sang from 2pm++ to 7pm!
It was pretty good because I have no idea why either. LOL! Just felt good to be singing with them luh. First time okay! haha.
When we were not singing...

As usual, my camera was flooded with Yanling's pictures. LOL! FOREVER ONE! ;x Lol.
Joining her! Lol.

Some attempts to take pictures of us all~~ :D

Until we decided to use self-timer. haha.
Sang a lot a lot of songs! :D So happy~~ Lol.

Taking turns to take pictures because we were not singing. But as usual, Yanling sang along most of the time although she claim that she doesn't know the song. LOL!
I really like this picture! Lol.
(Because I'm at the back back! Lol.)
After which, headed to Hougang Mall. First stop was toilet. =x LOL! Then, we went to Library for Jiaxuan to settle her debts. hehehe. Ohoh! Saw some juniors too. :) Miss them truck lots uh~~ Yanling even made a silly comment about missing the times wearing uniforms.. Haha!
Before I went to get my dinner, accompanied Jiaxuan to search for some wallets...
While she was shopping. :) NICE A NOT THE EAR STUD?! :D :D :D
I buy one. hahaah.
Bought some bread for dinner from Four Leaves and cakes too! Lol. OMG LA! I'm still craving for Mango cake. =.= Lol. MUMMY BUY FOR ME ME ME!!!
DANG! I just realise i accidentally ate my breakfast for tomorrow. =.=

We are from K2! loll. Like this picture too. :D

Attempt to take us three outside library like some retard. LOL!
(My lips look damn pale. -.- MUST put lip gloss next time!!)
Ohohoh!! - IT's APRIL FOOLS DAY!!!
Have you got fooled/fooled anyone yet? :D
Wanted to do what I did last year but then again, I thought I should just get a life and not do it. HAHA!
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