Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This blog entry is dedicated to CINDY! ;)
Her birthday is ending soon. :D

*Hope you didn't think I would forget.

Cindy has been a great friend all this while. The memories we've created and shared as a clinque; It would be very very different without Cindy. Her laughters, jokes, funny stunts and everything about the bubbly her. Though it's always fun with Cindy; the time we shared inner thoughts and problems were, also, really comfortable and warm.
Not forgetting the countless times she help me when I have problems. Especially with my English and... and... and... :D THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
Organising events with her would never be unsuccessful (ALWAYS SUCCESSFUL!!!!)! And it's always nice to see the smiles on the clinque's faces after the event. :D

Also also, I'll never forget the surprise she has planned for my birthday this year! Great to have a friend like her! ;)

What I've written for her. ;)
CINDY! NPCONCC's sesame crazysausage! =x The one who's always hyped up. Always running around chasing the one who tease her, always going around making people crack up and laugh, always love to smack girls butt and forever there to help me!
Cindy; It's your seventeenth birthday! May all your wishes come true! Thanks alot girlie, for all the things you've done for me and the memories we've created and shared!

What is valuable is not what I have in life but who I have in life.
Thanks for being in my life!

There are like... many people I'm glad is part of my life. :D I'm so happy I'm gifted with such kind souls.

Though most of us are really really busy right now, I hope what remain is not only the memories we've shared but also... the clique's spirit and sense of belonging that would stay within. :D

ALRIGHT! Ending with this picture because I miss them...
&MY BED! =x


PS: Sometimes, life don't always turn out as planned.
But, it's not that bad; as long as we're optimistic! :D

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