Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Term Break!

My term break has been pretty fruitful yet fruitless at the same time. =x
For the past four days, I've practically done near nothing that's related to school. Other than meeting up to do our project yesterday. Another waste of time though. Zzz I've done no revision neither have I started on my HTML Assignment. :(:(

Anyway, though I haven't done anything productive, I've had a great longgggggggggg rest! :D Played my Nintedo DS, watched TV, slept late and... and... slacked! ;) Being lazy for the time being! Don't even feel like going out these few days. =x But but but! I'm going to start on what I've planned... like from today onwards? :D

So looking forward to the coming Monday! I need to do some shopping, talking and walking! HAHA. Miss Yanling and Jiaxuan.

Like they say: "Absence makes the heart grow fonder".

Xiaobai. ;)
JIAYOU for O's :D

Going off to complete what I've started. ;)
Assignment, Project, Assignment, Project, Assignment, Project......


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