Monday, June 05, 2006

urg! what's up with me?!?

it's the third post already. what's up with me?!? getting pissed for minor things? that is totally not me. what's happening? sighs. no one ever understands. i'm like so unlucky the whole week. i bet the coming days are gonna be so much worse.

i can't take it anymore!! urg~ forever last minute. when can things be really organised? i had enough of you.. of everything. i'm not invisible okay. don't treat me like a spare pen. don't look for me when she's not available. if you need help only from her then don't ever call me. don't even breathe my name!

gosh! there he goes again. it's a good thing that i haven't print his document. can't you just print your stuff using the printer? you have one remember? the one we gave you. the good printer i loved. just connect them together and *bamm* you will have your stupid document. urg!

will you guys just give me some peace? urg! so many courses to attend. i wish for a long break! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. sighs.

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