I would like to have my wedding in Grand Hyatt someday in the future. :D No need for too fancy a wedding, just a simple wedding dinner with a live band in one of the smaller ballrooms in Grand Hyatt would be fine. :D
It’s the place my parents held their wedding too... Would be nice that their daughter is having her wedding there too, right? Lol. Besides, I like that hotel... Attended a wedding there last year; The ballroom is nice (the one we went was small but cozy!) and I love their Iced Lychee Tea!!!! I had so many cups of that the last time. :X Yeah, mostly for their Iced Lychee Tea, I would like to have my wedding there. LOL!
That aside, I was there again last night. Not for a wedding (I miss their Iced Lychee Tea T^T), but for a delicious and expensive birthday dinner Haniza bought me. Hehehe.

^^ I am so so so happy we're really meeting up a lot more now.
We've both signed up for Amore Fitness X last month. AND I AM SO HAPPY!! Finally working out, finally going for workout classes after thinking about it for years!, and finally going to see more of Haniza! Instead of our usual..... 2-3 times a year meetups. HEHE \O/
So.. dinner~ I let Haniza pick the dishes because I wasn't craving for anything in particular.. She was also the one who was very interested in the food there.

This was complimentary.
The combination may look weird (a loaf of bread and chicken rice chilli), but it suprisingly matched extremely well with each other! I couldn't stop munching on it. The bread is crispy on the outside and really soft on the inside. Super yum.

Had some sushi too...

Fried Rice

This is tofu, brinjal and black fungus!

We were a little disappointed with this.
Very meh

Last dish served....

Happy people with happy tummies!

We pretty much had 2/3 tze char food at Mezza 9. LOL.
Good ones though.
We were pretty full with all the food by the time the last dish was served... But but but! We'll never leave without the last course..........................

We couldn't decide on what to get, and settled on everything on their dessert menu!!! ALL of them, but mini sized. HEHE. It was a great decision because we got to taste every one of them. They look so pretty all set up together too!

Another shot with desserts at the other side.
I only had a few favourite. Like that 'flowerpot' and their sorbet!

Cheers to more celebrations together! ♥
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