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Hello hello hello~
Finally some time back to my cozy corner after chalet, clearing laundries, lectures (Good friends, please remind me to notify my mum if I were to be late home.), dinner!!, chitchat and blog-hopping. ;) Ohoh! &&& I'm back with heavy eyelids, really bad facial condition and a sexy sexy sexy voice (Urg! I can't sing nuts for now. Zzz). Lol. I can literally just stone right now. ;x
Sorry ah Weishan! xd I know you miss me, but I have to give chomp chomp a miss this time round. ;)
Feeling a tad droopy right now so pardon if I go insane or too... dry in here. Haha!
I still can't get over the pretty chalet. Yes, I'm still in love with it. Lol. x3 It was far more than just a blasting 3D2N. :D
Woke up freaking early on Tuesday, sent sis to school, had breakfast with parents and got the remaining food for chalet. ;) It feels nice to be up so early in the morning, getting your tummy filled and roaming around in the wet market.
*Erhum, that excludes the stench and the fact that early morning during holidays are crazy.
Got back home and started to prepare the food while waiting for Weishan, Soohou, Gary, Cindy and Jolene to come over. Sadddddddddddd ahhhhhhh! Serene, Yaping, Chiulee and Ivy couldn't join us, while Yanling was suddenly down with some ass illness. Lol.
Waited for my dad before we took off to chalet! :D Cindy rode along with me while the rest took cab. Stop by Cindy's place for her to grab her guitar before we headed down to meet the rest. ;)
Yadah yadah... Know what you guys are waiting for, PICTURES! Lol. Hundred overrrrrrrrrrrr.
If I knew the place was this good, I wouldn't have made so many arrangements for NPCONCC, my class and Stephanie's friends to stayover. :( Would just have the whole chalet for myself and a few good friends. :D :D :D
Lol. I thought the place would be pretty deserted and... ulu?? Lol. Like dirty and a tad unbearable (toilets) but then again, I was obviously wrong. Lol. I soooo did not regret getting this chalet although it gave me some shit. ;x

&& Ya, I still can't get over the pretty scenery !! Haha.
You're going to get more of these nonsense later. ;x Lol.
While Cindy, my parents and I were still quite a distance away from reaching the chalet; these people started to take pictures!! Lol.
Like this picture because Soohou and Gary look candid! Haha.
Aww~ What a pretty place. :D
(Everyone's asking about it! haha. For our convenience - this chalet can only be bid by SAF members. No, not NS men. Don't ask me the definition of SAF members too, I have no idea myself. Lol. But it's definitely not open to NS men. I guess it's just permanent staffs - like people in mapping unit or something. It cost $60 for 4D3N [non-peak period] and takes about... 3 to 4 months; for bidding.)

While waiting for us to arrive. ;)
Too bored without Cindy and I luh. HAHA!
Had some silly commotion with the security guard at the parking lot. Lol. Quickly got things settled and unloaded everything.

While waiting for my mother and father to complete the checking-in stuffs. :D
When we finally got the keys; we were allllllll really excited! Haha. I was really looking forward to check out the toilets. =x Hahah!

Tapping in!! Hohoho~
Felt like as if we were getting into the most luxurious hotel. Haha!
Okay okay, I'm exaggerating here. Lol.

As some of you may have seen - The pretty, awesome place! :D
We were all awed by the superb facilities and design of the resort! It felt more than just a place to be around; it was like a really cool and perfect place to laze and relax the days off!
Got our things in place before we started to slack and stuff. Lance and Samuel arrived at the place not long later. ;) Samuel straight away went to bed lo. -.- Lol.
Playing asshole dai-ti. Couldn't get into the game at all because I have no idea and no interest in dai-ti. Lol. End up just looking around and watching Tv with my parents.
Soon, they were nice (as usual) to change the game to piggy poker!! ;) Played and had hell of a time giggling and laughing at each other. Hah!
Afterward, headed out to chill, take pictures!!, slack slack and start off our BBQ. ;)
I still can't get over the pretty place. ;x Lol.
Guess who'd decided to be part of the picture with his ass. Lol.
Some funny jump shots! Lol.
Look at Gary. Haha. Looked as if he was stomping in like some huge creature. ;x

We look really happy in here. Haha. Look at Soohou!
LOL! So candid~

Weishan and I. ;)
My favourite picture with her. ;x Haha!

Cindydyydyy. ;) Talked a lot that day. Really nice...
I guess, people do change. And we don't always end up what we swore we'll not be like. And I guess, it's just the matter of not talking too fast because the future can never be expected. Unless you really can, you should be in heaven.
Gary Neo. :D
Introducing my pretty and handsome friends! ;)
Cindy, Soohou, Jolene, Weishan and Lance!
I really really really really really really really really like this picture! It looks really nice. Especially the background~ HAHA!
Look as if the two of them were photoshopped to a pretty background or something. ;x
And.. hmm.. Who was the photographer? What a great shot siol! Lol.
(It was me. =x)
Intruder !!! ;x
Tsktsk~ Lol. Didn't know there's this side of Jolene. Haha!
(About to

See what I mean? Lol. She looked really happy trying to
It was a really peaceful place! Got a few tranquil moments just staring at the sea and looking out at the activities going on, on the sea.
We were really lucky that the weather was near fantastic that day! Though it was scorching hot in the afternoon, it was good that the sky didn't tear. ;)
Camera's Self Timer is the best entertainment! Hah~
Nice picture? Lol. I have no idea why but I kindda like this picture...
Loner Camera. Hah!
I have no idea why the sky looks a tad dark in here and the next following pictures. Lol.
The girls who stayed over for the night. ;)
BB, Panda and Jolene! :D
Hahaha! 100% candid!
Good lighting makes pictures look good. :D
If only the staying duration could be extended or something. Lol.
Really chill-laxing... ;)
Sidetrack: I just saw a character on TV that totally reflects on a person I know! Lol. Totally bitchy and bossy. *puke*
5th graded pig preparing to lay charcoals for fire.
Getting the fire started with the help of Gary and Lance.. ;)
The fire was really good! Pretty near blazing. Or at least, it was better than the second day's BBQ. Haha.
&While the guys were getting their part done, the girls are preparing some other food too! ;)
Cindy looks damn style in this picture. haha. Like as if she flew or something.
Sweet? Yeah, the mash mellow was really sweet. Haha!
Enjoying the breeze and scenery...
Franks are really good to be BBQ-ed, right Gary?
Frank war! Lol. Soohou said it's suppose to look like some star wars scene. -.-
Ohoh! Click to view an enlarged image of this, and take a closeup look at Soohou's expression. Damn cute!! Hahaha.
Weishan just cut in when I asked Jolene to smile. I swear!! Lol.
She was doing something with her camera when she heard me asking Jolene to smile and she joined in, posed like she was helping!! LOL. Just look at that smile~ Lol.

See what I meant about self-timer entertainment?
Sayyyy Cheese-y~

Anyone hungry yet??
Mum's friend came along to help finish the food too. Haha!
Jolene! ;)
Gary purposely changed to this orange shirt lo. ;x LOL!
Look at the cloud captured!! Pretty right?? Hahaha.
This picture is pretty too..
Who can resist having a meal at such a peaceful, pretty and well-weathered place?
Mum and her friends. :D
Are you getting sick of these pictures? Hahaha!
Reminds me of how Cindy and I were discussing about the different shots of scenery we had; that the rest were teasing about. o.o
Sister and her friends came along not long after...
Aunty Teo look so cheeky!
Good friends uh... *Envious*
Just like my second mama. ;)
Jowell: "The one in green is your sister right? The shirt she's wearing is damn nice! Where did you get it?"
-.- The shirt was done by their company. Lol. Thick skinned.
Oh~ Right, Jowell and Terrence came along too. :D Their chalet is like... a few blocks away from ours - gave him the extra one because no one else wanted it. LUCKY THEM! They were also in love with the chalet uh. Terrence even called it his home. Hahahh.
Had a nice longgggggggggg chat with Jowell. ;) And she said I'm motherly! Hah~ Too bad uh... No pictures with her ah!
I'm going to bore you with these pictures right? :/ hurhur...
Too bad sun rise can't really be seen. :(
Cornered chalets are good. ;)
Can't remember what was going on.
Weishan became really lame trying to fit our heads into thongs. Lol.

So who has the largest gap??

Some unglam pictures of Cindy. ;x Lol.
Night has just fallen in. But, it's definitely still early for us! :D
The fun has just started y0!
Good thing BBQ food was almost depleting before my mother left! Or else, BBQ-ing for the night will be happening again.
OH YA! Jason came too~ Been too long since we last met; SO SAD THAT JOYCE AND JOLENE TAY COULDN'T JOIN IN THIS TIME. :(:(:(:(
Had a nice long chat with this childhood friends; wahhhh. We're all growing old already. Lol.
Guys playing mahjong outside. LOL! They said the ambience was good. Zzz And they played for fun, no chips no money, no nothing. :( It's really boring if you play for fun only.
And, I'm honestly getting sick of mahjong. BOO!
This picture is perfect! Hahahh.
Sent my parents and some others to the parking lot before we settled down outside playing some cards while Cindy, Soohou and Samuel were playing guitars and singing.
Played heart attack and.. some other I can't remember. Lol.
Also played Who? What? Huh? interesting but it'll be better if a larger group of people's playing. ;)
Later, we felt that we shold utilise the chalet's facilities and it's air-con. LOL! So, we headed back in to play other games and such. :D
I like this picture too! Hohoho.
Coming up with some shooting ideas while the guys were watching some sports channel.
The background's colour looks rather dull in reality. But red is still nice. Haha!

The Happy, Sad, Smile-ly and Angry. Hah~
Then, Cindy came up with a few new emotions. Lol.

In which left us laughing till our tummy hurts! Lol. Because Jolene's expression was raelly funny! LOL.

Shocked, Sweet, And I can't remember what expression Weishan was suppose to be giving neither can I get it from the picture, and Innocent!

Just US! And the trying-to-be-funny Soohou and Gary. Trying their best to cover our faces. huhhhhhhhhhhh.

Weishan, Jolene, Jasmine, Cindy.
Lance, Soohou, Gary, Samuel. :D
Lovessssss. x3
Oooh what a pretty picture! Lol.
Finally a decent one. :D
The Js~ Haha.

Pretty stairs~ But if you get up to the second floor too often, it gets tiring. LOL! Especially when you're fatigue and haven't got enough sleep. Lol.
Another favourite picture of mine because you can't see Weishan. LOL!
Look at how happy Jolene and I look! hahhhh~ And I realise we have similar gums! Lol.
Guys joining the fun. Take a look at Gary y0!
For the next collage picture; take notice and pay attention to Soohou at the corner. Lol.

Moving slowly into the picture to disturb only!
Afterwhich, all of us sat together to watch Channel 5 "Van Helsing" I think. When it was finally over, we headed up to the bedroom to just chit chat and i can't remember what we did. LOL!
Locking Jolene out of the room.
Then, I went to bathe first because I felt really sticky and dirty.
Meanwhile, the rest of the people were having hell lots of fun scaring each other. LOL!

The mastermind and the victim! Lol. Cindy look damn fierce in this picture.
Little bit of every girls in the place~ ;)
Special picture right? c;
The whole chalet was filled with LG products. ;) Really sleek and pretty aye. Hohoho!

All clean and refresh after bath! :0
Cindy and Lance left for home while the remaining 6 of us tried to spend the night doing something interesting. We played games, just chit chatting and also went out to have sight seeing. LOL!
Can't remember the sequence but I guess we went out first. Saw some really pretty men trying to hook some other men. LOL! It's amazing how some are absolutely more feminine then women. 0.O Then, we headed back to chalet to get our wallets before we head down to 7-Eleven.
Bought some drinks, instant noodle and ice-cream.
Continued to slack in the living room watching really funny news and the reporters who look like Mr. Chan. ;x Haha! Then, we headed back to our room to play this "I act you guess" game. ( I have no idea what's the English name of the game. )

Soohou slept first though. LOL!

Uh? Lol. He was just having his fun while we came up with topics.

But in actual fact, he's the first to doze off! LOL~ It was around 5 plus 6 that he dozed off because no one was replying him when he asked about the time they were to leave. Haha!

The game left some of us thinking hard. Lol. Made us a tad more tired uh. Because we had to wait for topics to be generated and stuff. But it was definitely fun because we don't usually get to play such games. ;)
So anyway, games lasted us for the night. When Soohou dozed off, Gary and the girls went out to just chill leaving Samuel and Soohou alone in the room.
Emo momo~ No luh, he was just lethargic...
Sun rise was pretty pretty. BUT! We were unlucky enough that it isn't totally obvious to us. :(
Morning rising up up up!
Weishan name Cindy and I the cloudlovers. LOL!
Pink sky~
BB loves me! Lol.
Jolene and Jasmine. ;)
No idea why the picture turn out to be kindda dark. :/
So anyway, all in all - we had hell lots of fun just being with each other for the night. If only it wasn't for a night only, we'll have more fun because we'll get some sleep instead of just staying up the whole night.
I guess chalet doesn't exactly mean there's the need to stay awake for the night; but people usually do that because the time spent together in the chalet would be lesser if they were to sleep. Especially if it's like some 2D1N stay. Ooooooooo.
It's alright. Will try to ask my mama to bid for it again next year. Wooooooooooooo~
Soohou, Weishan, Samuel and Jolene left the place around 8am. Supposedly to see them again at night but they didn't come back! Lol. So Gary and I were left in the chalet trying to get some sleep. But we thought each other was sleeping so we sort of wasted the whole morning just plain lazing in bed. :(
Afterwhich, we spend the afternoon singing K with his laptop waiting for our S.L.O.W classmates to some around. :D
Favourite picture! :D
PS: I realise how important it is to be being involved and such. It's inevitable to feel out of place at times but it usually depends on what you do and how you make things happen. Though I have to admit I felt similar once, I'm going to change that mentality because these are really important to me. And, i shouldn't allow some silly feelings to stop things form happening. :D