Here's a random quick update about my Thursday before I head back to packing for my KL TRIP TOMORROW!!!! :D
I am so so so excited! It's just KL, but I am glad to be having a break. I foresee a relaxing trip with the family, just eating, resting and shopping for CNY clothes. HEHE. These 4 days would be good enough to last me till my next trip (CRUISING TO TOKYO IN APRIL YO!!). ;)
Hopefully, I'll get to keep up with my notion on spreading my holidays evenly throughout a year. KL this month, cruising in April, and maybe 2 more holidays to make it a quarterly thing..... I'm planning it like as if I have plenty of leaves when I'm actually going to use up all for my cruise. T^T
Shall aim for the long weekends then. Muahahaha.
Shoots. I digressed.
Today's a pretty..... good-bad day.

Random selfie while on the way for lunch because I was feeling it. LOL.
Didn't feel like a Thursday today. Was more like a Friday because of my trip tomorrow. :D
Had to OT a little to finish up my minutes of meeting though. Bummer, and one of the bad things today. End up being a little late to a meetup and had a minor tiff with one of my friends. The argument was the second bad thing that happened today.
Well, for what it's worth, I am actually happy to finish my minutes in a record breaking time (within a day) and things worked out just fine with my friend thereafter. :D

Jeannette and Sera!
Got a free ride to town with Sera to meet Jeannette. We had a nice dinner at Ootoya X where one of their servers spilled the delicious milktea all over me. :( I was in a good mood, the food were delicious and they replaced the drink..... so I'm good. :D We felt that it's a waste we didn't drink more of the milktea before it got spilled though. Lol. /cheapos
The night ended with plenty of talking. Caught up and talked about their boyfriends and talked about work and talked about the future and talked about experiences and talked about......... We had free icecream too! Thanks to Sera. HEHE.
Okay. "Quick" update end.
Abrupt because I'm spending too much time here when I should be packing. x.x
BYE!! <3
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