So...... I'm now slightly more awake, but is still feeling the aftermath of being awake for exactly 24 hours and sleeping at only 7am this morning. x,x
I'm feeling so lethagic that I didn't even bother to wake up for breakfast or lunch. I still don't have appetite though. BUT I HAD A SCONE. My new found love for scones. ♥
Okay, continuing off from my previous entry...
After visiting Kesslyn's mother, I cabbed off to pick Karena from her place before heading down to Jolene's place. The plan was to meet at our princess' place and then get a ride down to NTU.
&Since we were already there in Jolene's house, we also gave respect and wished her parents a Happy Lunar New Year!!! :3 So lucky to have two pairs of oranges with me that day!
ps: Maybe it's just me, but during these 15days, I think it is only nice that we give respect and wish the adults a happy new year when we're near or going into their house; whether or not we have the initial intention and is going to the house again later during the festive. Is it weird? :/ Maybe a bit anal. Lol.
Thereafter, we had a speeding ride to NTU! Chiulee got a shock when we called her to say we arrived in her school. Lol. We were that crazy onz last night. &Because Chiulee was still walking back to her room from somewhere far, we called up Lance to crash his room instead.
And and and, we saw him walk past with a girl. hohoho. :x
Had a really nice 2 hours chatting with Lance and Chiulee. AND I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THEM, ALL OF THEM, AGAIN ON SUNDAY!!! ^^

Thereafter, we raced back to pack some supper from Kovan before going back to HQ a.k.a my house. Lol. And then, we were so into our conversations (talked about a lot a lot of stuffs! gossips, virginity lmao!, love, relationships and many others) that we didn't stop until 6am the next morning. :O
By the time it was 4am, I was already half dazed. Somehow felt like I was "high". Intoxicated kindda high. Except, I wasn't anywhere near that kindda high but just lightheaded. HAHAHA. Yeah, I was just lightheaded and in a daze. But we still manage to ramble on until 6am! :D
No regrets for overworking my body this time though!! At least the three of us are very much more bare with each other now (emotionally) and can talk about more stuffs, revealing more vulnerable issues. Grateful! Thank you.
I was super duper dogged but a huge part of me was very happy. Haven't met with these girls (together) for about 35 days and I finally saw Jolene today! The four of us haven't got together for more than 36 days now. Weishan wasn't free last night. :(
And, when the girls left, I bathed and waited till 7am to wake my parents up; just in case they forget that I'm not going to work and end up waking up late. I finally crashed and never wanna wake up!
Except, I forced myself to get up after 1pm. x,x I was totally not hungry. Good way to diet ah. :x So I'm probably going to only have one meal today. YIPPE!!! hehe.
Speaking of which, CAN'T WAIT TO LOUHEI WITH THE FAMILY LATER!!!!! First one with the family. ♥ I wanna eat all the cracks and salmon. HEHE.
Update again later if I still have the energy. ^^

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