In Kesslyn's bedroom! :D
AH! Before I go on, today's a really weird and funny day. Almost wore an old clothing to work until my mother reminded me about this blue dress that I got for CNY. Both of us had thoughts about Mei Hua wearing the same dress but brushed it off. What are the odds right?
BUT TRUE ENOUGH, I saw this girl wearing the exact same dress walking in the office and couldn't help but laughed out loud!

During lunch.
It was quite embarrassing because our manager brought us out for CNY lunch. x,x

It's like we're in uniforms!

With our manager. ^^

&Back on my first visiting
The decision to visit Kesslyn's place was really sudden too; we only decided on it the day before. Because of our many group visiting this year, I thought it would be more sincere to drop by her place alone. Since, I personally know her mother and haven't met her for the longest time. And so, I went!
Left work early to go pray before accompanying my family for dinner and got a lift to Kesslyn's place. (Y)!
Had a really nice chat with her mother, catching up about everything and gossiping a little about Kesslyn. Hahaha. All while watching TV, snacking and waiting for Jiaxuan. She finally came after an hour and we quickly settled down for dinner. MY FIRST STEAMBOAT!!! :D
After dinner, we hung out in Kesslyn's room for a bit before I cabbed off to pick Karena and head down to Jolene's place.
CAMWHORE!!! :3 Except, most pictures have the both of them blurred out. :X

ps: I really wanted to update about our night at NTU but I don't have the pictures yet and I need a nap right now. Splitting headache. x,x
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