Lets all have a prosperous and a healthy Horse year!! ^^
It's the third day to the year of Horse!! I've been nothing but busy doing very little stuffs at home with the family and relatives. :x Lol. Busiest day was 除夕 (New Years' Eve) where the entire day was spent on cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning!!!!!! I'm really glad that my mother hired two helpers to do most of the job though. :x But everyone did quite a fair bit still!
I've never ever felt so exhausted from spring cleaning before. But I guess it's because we cramped up every single chore to be done in that one day! We used to take two days to clean the house together. x,x
Lunar New Year this year feels more..................... mundane.
It's everything we've been doing all these years but going through it this year was.... meh. I wasn't as excited. Cannot figure if it's because of my age or if it's because I was too sad about our "reunion" dinner. Ah! I didn't really have many new clothes for the new year too. :S
Nevertheless, it was a really good time spent with the family. ^^ And I finally got to meet someone close; Someone I haven't seen in years! Also! I made an effort to take plenty of pictures! HEHEHE. Loving my new GF6. ❤

One of my favourite shots with the family. ^^



&Here's 除夕(New Years' Eve)!

After an entire day of cleaning. HEHE.
I only cleaned a little bit here and there, and shined our laughing Buddha. ^^
Parents did rest of the hardwork.

Mama did a lot this year.
Including this flower arrangement!
Really really pretty in real life and it's the first ever arrangement that my father has ever approved!
He even praised my mother. Muahaha.
Steamboat dinner is never a tradition for my family. I can't even remember when's the last time I've had it for reunion dinner.... :/ But I'm aware it was in someone else's house. ANYWAYZ!
Mum whipped up a few dishes.

Abalone! Abalone! Abalone!

And here you see the people who came for dinner.
Grandma, second uncle and his son. -,-
Everyone else were at work, stuck at home with two babies (too far to travel down) or couldn't come.
Fine, I shall not whine again.

This is damn funny.
That sleepy face. Lol.
This was taken after I bathed her and in her new pajamas!

Doing what she do best. Laze.
New Year's Eve ended with the countdown show which I barely watch.
I even missed the countdown because I was............ :/ where was i?!
Didn't really sleep late this year too. LOL. Like.. we went to bed an hour after our parents slept.
Ah! I'm very happy to know that Goats will be having a good Horse year though. woohoo!!!
&Here's 初一(Day 1)!

Doing our usual! :D

While mum was busy in the kitchen.
This is why all her food always taste so delicious; She cooks them with a happy heart. HEHE.


Mother's beehoon this time was really really good!
Her food has never disappoint but it was extra delicious!

Sugar in her New Year outfit!
Super cute. HEHE.

Sugar the biased dog.
Looking genuinely happy with Jolene but just meh with me. TSK.

But she's so cute, I forgive her all the time. ♥

At least my cousins love me more. (Or so I assume)
Check out the sian face my cousin gave in the picture with my sis.

And here, she just look creepy. :x

Off to walk Sugar!

Yes, that's her peeing like a male dog. -,-

Sister busy with the two kids while I was just following behind taking pictures.
How responsible.

She looks like a big redpacket!
Super wang wang!

Favourite picture of my cousin and Sugar!
Except, you can't see my cousin's face because I wasn't paying attention to him at all. :x

Happy Sugar is happy. HEHE.

Looks like a F&N Commercial. Lol.

After walking Sugar, we washed up and prepared to head out for our movie.
Watched "Huat Ah! Huat Ah! Huat Ah!"
The movie was good to put your money into waste. :x
In the middle of it, I asked my sister what I was watching. :/
2 popcorns for it in my opinion; I didn't really enjoy the movie!
We chose it because it was the only mandarin film that isn't Jack Neo's and rated PG.
I'm glad my cousin and grandma enjoyed the movie though.
ps: Didn't choose Jack Neo's film this time because the parents + sis weren't keen. :(


So easy to take camwhore shots now with the flipup screen. HEHEHEHE.

My new shoes and sister's new sandals.
My feet look small with this pair.

&Here's 初二(Day 2)!

Very stupid hor, should have untied the cutrain. -,-
Then again, it now look like Sugar's wearing something on her head. Lol.

Presenting our princess! :D
Her second new dress.

Very more appropriate for Valentines.
Except she doesn't have a date.

Sian Sugar is sian. -,-

This is the second time she's yawning in the midst of taking a picture.
This bitch. Lol.


Sugar look so happy ah. :')

Let's imagine my Dad isn't looking retarded with his eyes looking all weird.

Temple visit!
It was amusing how Sugar walked to the main door of the temple, smelled and looked around and then walked away.
She didn't even try to walk in! :O

The place I literally stuffed myself with a lot of junk food!

I can't spell her name. :X

Ah Yi! ^^
Been about 5 years since we last met.
She look exactly the same as her teen self. -,-

Uncle's family not home because they went to Malaysia.

Sugar was really funny.
We didn't include her in the photo taking this time but she came to wanna join us and then she looks away. TSK.

Favourite shot because Sugar looks really fierce like she's roaring!
&fin! ♥
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