My initial plan was to do separate entries for each birthday celebration but butt butts,,, I got lazy :x Turns out, I had three advanced birthday celebrations in the week!! :DD
I was really enthusiastic to update two nights ago, but photobucket decides to be an ass and block all my pictures because I had supposedly exceeded my bandwidth. T^T Anyhow, it was stated that my bandwidth will be reset in a day's time so...... I'm just gonna update first. :D

Tuesday night with my Happy Pills for Alvin's 22nd!

Dinner at The Coastal Settlement.
Should have hitched a ride luh! In the end, Alvin was so early, he waited about an hour for us and the rest to reach. :( Miscommunication!
Ah. But that's not important. ><

Making sure she covers her nose. lol.

The birthday boy!

The handwriting is pretty bad but this dessert tasted quite interesting.
Interesting in a nice way!

Group shot!

Check out busybody Lance being all interested in Kesslyn's conversation with her friend. Tsktsk.

Because the restaurant is near one of my favourite chalets, I got reminded of the good times and was excited about our Christmas Chalet which led to a good long hour of planning!! Lol.
It was quite insane because everyone started throwing random ideas and making it more like a camp instead of a chalet. LOL. There's going to be video filming, games, gift exchange and maybe even morning P.T!! x,x All the discussion made me even more excited and I can't wait can't wait till then. ^^

It was a really good night though it ended early. :)

Next up on Thursday, Zylia's one-day advanced celebration!
We met up really late because there was this really huge downpour that didn't stop until 3pm. Zz Then, we spent the rest of the time just walking around town, shopping and buying things that Zylia wants. I'm happy I got her a lipstick she wants as a gift. ^^
There isn't many pictures either. :/
And I got to meet her bestfriend!! I'm super happy that she has someone close to her because he seems to really know her and treat her genuinely nice. :)



&Last but not least, Guan's birthday surprise on Friday!
It was not only memorable for Guan but me too though! >< Before the surprise, I met up with Lance and Weishan for dinner at Queensway. Yes, Queensway and for Zi Char. It was nice though. (But then again, everything is nice to me. >< hurrr)
Anyway, we later went to NEX to get wine as a housewarming gift for Guan's mother. Lance also drove me to her place. A block away though... I guess I looked lost because a random guy came up to me and asked if I was lost. Lol.
The experience was rather scary, weird and yet funny?
Because the place is rather new, there were many areas that were still under renovation. The guy who approached me was pretty big built, so when he led me to some place that was blocked, I got a little bit intimidated.
But, he seemed nice because he mentioned I shouldn't wander around alone at night when there are many foreign workers around.. So, I wasn't that scared.
Weird thing was, as we continued to have a conversation, he asked where I lived, where I was living and even offered to drive me home. Lol. Nice gesture but just... weird? Guan's place is really far from the area with public transport or the main road though, so it was understandable. Luckily, I saw Emily and Fredrick when he asked for my number. So, phew...
Though a weird experience, it doesn't win the bus incident where some random man passed me a slip of paper that reads "You are gorgeous" with his name and number. >< Awkkkkkward.
I've passed bedtime.
Goodnight! ♥