School has finally started and I'm finally done with the first week with 6 lessons over the span of 3 days! Two 3-hour lessons a day is totally a killer and it's even worse when it's three days straight. I've never felt so tired constantly before. x,x
Anyho~ School has been fine so far! Especially since I have Wei Shan with me. heheeh.
Okay, enough typing~ Pictures talking!
Really random pictures! <3

First day of school with our junior Neo. xD

When Sugar start looking messy~

My sis will trim trim her fur. :D

This Sugar so relaxed hor!

^^ With Jiejie Diane!

The family day we bought balloons to play with. :x

When we brought the balloons home, Sugar kept barking and making hell lot of noise! But, my sister got a random idea to tie one of the balloons on her and that kept her quiet. muahaha.

Happy Sugar is happy!

A night out with clique!
Changi Airport Starbucks!

Handsome suitup Lance!

&Then we drove off to HQ, aka my house. hehe.
Jolene was showing us her ride on a convertible and Karena and I didn't wanna lose so we faked it. xD

We actually only opened the car window. hurrrr.

More Sugar!


The trick only my sis can do~

Impromptu dinner with Emily!

This is really overdue~
Jolene and I no longer has this hair color. :O

Great night out with Emily and Lim Guan some time ago too.

Missing my crazy color hair.

Okay, bye. :D