
(&They are not the only ones)
I had a fantastic school-week. (: It was definitely not all smooth-sailing or a really happy week, but, I had an awesome end - &That's enough. :) Was initially still wondering if I should head down to Vivo to meet the girls for dinner because I was really really exhausted and sleepy... :\ Eventually did and I'm glad I did. xD
Today, we've cleared another two projects. Though there are many other ongoing, I'm too positive to be bothered about those just yet. :))) [Random but is suppose to add on to why it's a fantastic school-week. Lol.]
Wasted time waiting for Gary who didn't join us in the end (!!!!!!!!! Indecisive guys should be hanged! xD) and was terribly late with a famished stomach!!! :O Thai-Expressed before we shopped in f21 > TopShop > f21. xD Bought two tops without much thoughts! :O But I like my buys. HEHE. Then, it was my 贡茶(Gong Cha) treat before walking out of Vivo deciding if we should hitch a cab or wait for one. End up with the latter.
Oh ya oh ya! I honestly think Yaping's a scary scary shopper! Bought so many stuffs and spent so so so much in a day! Tsk tsk tsk. But, I had fun psycho-ing her to get more. LOL.
It wasn't a crazy night this time but we had fun just talking anyway. ^^ End up having a niceeee longggggg hour chat standing at the bus stop near Yaping's place and even saw Fangying and Ignatius! :D
ps: We were so superrrr bloated from dinner just now. But after all the talking, standing and laughing, I'm hungry again. -.- So, pictures talking - me sleeping. ;p

Look at the crazy huge portion!!! Zzz

While waiting for Jolene to finish changing clothes~

Pings' tactic to make her eyes big O.O

&Here are some overdue pictures.

One-fine sunny day. :D

My baby cousin, Jamiee! ^^
She's really cute. HEHEHE. (&she moves a lot!)
&my parents cannot stop exclaiming that she looks like baby me... Best part, THEY AGREE I'M CUTER!!!! HAHAHA. :p
Mum: "Jamiee really look like Jasmine when she was a baby."
Dad: "Yeah, very alike. But Jasmine was cuter."
awwwwww! HEHEHE.

Sometimes, I wish I could just turn back time all the way to when I was a baby. All I have to do is go goo-goo-ga-ga and attention's all on me. xD Don't even have to lay a finger to do anything! Lol.

Alright now, I'm going to bed. :D
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