Makes me think that I was going to say an exaggerated "Do you wanna die?" in Korean. xD

:( Honestly hate that my nails chip off so damn easily when it's not coloured. -.-

(No wait, not exactly, it was suppose to cost my parents, due to a 'bet', but it end up being $0 thanks to my dad's mobile plan. LOL!)
But damn, the person at Singtel said he haven't heard of Motorola Charm?!!? Seriously????? This means it's not in local stores yet and is probably going to come laterrrrrrr. Which spells "expensive phone" by the time I can upgrade my line and get a new phone... =,=
Why do I always have to wait for the phone I wantttttttt????

*Appropriate GIF!, IDC!*
&LOL @ Onew Sangtae! :p
ps: I hope my mother don't finalise her idea to change her line to Starhub!!! :S

*Another approporiate GIF!!!!*
Literally smiled like that when I found out M1 has my "Charm"~~~ <3 HEHEHE.
Anyways! I kindda calculated my wardrobe newbies... Found out I actually bought about 10 tops (really!!!) this CNY!!! And I only supposedly need two... Zzz Crazy madness!!! But my mother wants me to throw my 2year-old checkered top... T^T Okay, random!

*Another appopriate GIF!* HEHEHE.
Mother has been either nagging me to get a job after graduation or exclaiming her great joy with my decision to work instead of study next. :((( So annoying! Zz
Wanted to include a funny conversation we had about that but I totally can't recall what was it already!!! Tskkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
OH YA! Watched "鬼也笑 (The Ghost Must Be Crazy)", and I think it's an extremely funny movie!!! ^^ Totally worth the ticket price~~ But I think the second story has a few scenes that are unnecessary and a little little bit exaggerated. :\
Some people said it's a lame movie, but honestly, I somehow think that they are true stories? :\ But of course, not so exaggerated like the movie... And most probably because I believe in those kindda things............................................................

My starry nose! xD

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