Just so Eloise don't get to see pictures of her gift we've prepared for her. ;)

Got to know that some friends in school reads my blog after they found it from Google blog search, or rather, STALKED ME!!! LOL. ;)
Joking! hehe.
Okay, me ish blogging because me ish bored.

Random again!
Favorite favorite favorite nail colour!!! :D :D :D
One more day, one more test and one more lesson before we can all start embracing 3-week long TERM BREAKKKKK!!! Wooooooooooooooooo~~~ Excited much much!!
I can't wait for Term break!
I can't wait for vacation in Thailand!!
I can't wait for Christmas celebrationsssssssssss!!!
AND I'M SO HAPPY MAMA ALLOWED ME TO BRING LAPPIE TO THAILAND!!! Shall see if wireless is free of charge !!! :D
Okay, I just remember I needa wrap some presents, do up some Xmas cards for exchange later AND! to finalise my resumeeeeeee. :@
Photo Calender for our lovely Eloise unnie!!! :D
Hope she'll love this! :D
Though it's pretty screwed because my calender stand failed! :( And I was so damn stupid to have placed the photos on top, I CAN'T POKE HOLES WITHOUT HAVING THEIR HEADS HOLE-D OFF! :@ :'( Lol..
Okay, shall finish up what I have to do before heading outttttttttttttttt! :D ♥

Screw my left eye. :S LOL.
By the time this entry is published, I'll be out with Eloise, Grace and Alicia; enjoying a scrumptious dinner at some Italian restaurant... Woohooo~~ LOL!
Be back real soon with the Advanced Birthday Celebration entry. teehee!
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