
THEM! :)
(Cindy came late)

& LANCE! (He went off early.)
Being under the sun for too long can really make you worn out. Boy, I only wanted to just shower and hit the sack straight. LOL! If you're suffering from insomnia, you should try playing under the sun for some time, unless you're some nutcase, a few hours under the sun will do the trick~ ;)
It was a really fun-filled picnic though the weather was SCORCHING HOT HOT HOT! No shorts or skirts for the time being because I got sun burned at the really weird spots. LOL. My knee! -.- I think only Weishan wasn't tanned because she's already too dark. x; Lol.
Although not the whole of NPCONCC was there, it was still fun, fun, FUN!
Bad hair day because - I woke up late today (11.44am~), BUT! good thing Weishan was late for 30minutes too (supposedly 12pm!). Hurhur~ Anyway, she changed while I prepare myself before we head down to get lunch for my dad. After which, strolled to meet Yaping at Hougang Station before heading down to Serangoon Station to meet Lance and wait for Soohou to arrive. Next destination, Dhoby Ghaut to meet Jolene and Gary.
Waited for shuttle bus and walked up to the top~~ ;)

:) "Kope" some pictures from Weishan's blog. ;x LOL!
Walking to the destination~~
Marina Barrage~
Where new water comes from...
We were dumb enough please~ Because it was our first time up, we didn't know there were stairs and lift up. -.- We walked all the way up this really steep slope! Lol.

Posing with the dam... :D
It was really hot! But pictures turned out really nice because of the lighting so... Lol. :)

Setting out the picnic mats and getting ready~
Food~~~~~~~~ There were only drinks, tidbits and sandwiches. LOL! Because, my mum forgot to prepare potato salad for me and Cindy was late.

Enjoying the food and playing some game trying to be distracted from the heat. Lol~
Halfway through our picnic, we spotted this thingy giving out these black smoke...

Jolene, Yaping and Weishan! Weishan's always bullying Yaping~ Lol.

Yaping brought her duckie over to picnic today. LOL! & Jolene and Soohou kept threatening to throw it down to the dam. LOL.
Look at Gary sweating! lol.
*click to enlarge*
No luh~ Just playing FRISBEE!

Playing Frisbeee~~~

Doing the piggy-back-me again! ;)

Being in the middle of nowhere was really funny; because we were the center of attraction. Haha! What more, we were the only ones there. ;x Someone even asked if the sun was any benefit to us. Zzz
Around late noon like 2plus 3, there were many students and people coming up the the roof with some adults explaining to them what Marina Barrage is and does. And we were like just smacked in the middle. Lol. We were bound to be in the pictures of those who snapped the place. Hohoho!
All our eyes are small because we were facing the sun.

Accidentally set my camera to self-timer mode. ;x Lol.

Ahhhh~ Must better. ;) Shots turn out really pretty because the background's nice~
Can't remember what were we doing over there but I guess, we're looking out for Cindy~
& while we were there...

... they camwhored~
Donuts anyone?
Killing time~~ Asshole dai-ti I think...
Look at these two~ but but but, Yaping still got her back really sun burned~ lol.
Cindy's arrival with sweet, soft and really messy donuts! ;)
Taking pictures with Weishan...

Can you spot her smile? Lol!
And it's Weishan again! ;x

Cindy's back to attacking Weishan! Lol.
By this time, I think Lance left us for his Piano lessons... :(:(:(:(:(

I like this picture!!! Really nice with all the colours and stuff.
Trying to have Singapore Flyer in her hands~
I have no idea what was she trying to do. LOL!
One of the funny jumpshots they had~ LOL! Look at Cindy!
LIGHTING ALERT!! We were asked to move in to the shelter...

Packing things~

Unpacking again. Lol.

Shelter area was cooling... Not many of us wanted to move because it was way to comfy! LOL.

Another group photo~~~ Take note of Cindy's expression because she was about to do...

... THIS! Lol. But I think the hand on Weishan's head is actually mine. LOL!

Just lazing around...

Changing hairstyle~ Lol.

CUTE RIGHT? Lol. And yeah, she slot in a tee...
It's been a while since I saw anyone teen with this hairstyle. Lol. People just change uh~~~

Some random snapshots~
Warning, if you dare take unglam shots of me again, you're gonna get it from me!
Told you it was really comfy. Lol.
While Cindy and I just sat around, the rest went to explore the place to look out for sunset and of course, take pictures! Lol.

Some of our group jump shots. You can't exactly see our faces because we were at a pretty bad angle. Lol. But anyhow, we had fun jumping and entertaining some guy who were watching us. Lol.
Some sanitary napkins' advertisement? Lol. Damn curvy~

And more? Lol. Or is her ballerina skills acting up? :/

More jumpshots!
Look like some cartoon with two characters about to attack one another~ Lol.
Soohou~ Lol.
Funniest one coming up...
Constipation!! Trying his utmost best to do it! ;x Lol.

Almost there! YES! Finally! Lol.
(That's for saying the guys the last time. Lol.)
Retarded face! Lol.
By the time we were done taking nice pictures and all, we were almost late for the last bus departure! Lol. So we quickly hurried to pack up before we head down to look for drinks in which we eventually gave up because of the price and we could jolly well just bear for it a tad longer since we've been yearning for cold drinks since... late afternoon?! Lol.
Told you to watch out already right?!
Oops! Lol.
We missed a bus because there was still time for the last one to arrive and, it was way to packed for us to squeeze in. So, we decided to take a few pictures before leaving. :D

Finally the bus came! :)

Traveled to Plaza Sing to have our dinner at Thai Express!
After which, we went shopping for Yaping's necessities her mum wants her to get and we sort of did some shopping ourselves! LOL!
Headed home and dragged myself to bathe and so on. :D :D :D :D :D
That sums up all!
All in all, I had lots of fun and the heat didn't exactly spoil my mood. ;)
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