Saturday, August 05, 2017

Mr Nice?

Something is in my mind and I need to get it out of my system. 

But I… actually don't know how to start…… Or how to… talk about it. 

Earlier today, I had a random conversation with a friend at work and ended up talking about my past. My past… romance. Non-existent romance, to be exact. LOL. 

As I recounted some brief episodes, I realized one thing…….. Turns out, the most…. "decent being" turned out to have hurt me the most. 

Possibly unintentionally. But really, came off as the most bastard one when I think back. 

Being stabbed in the back always hurt more; because you don't see it coming. 

Actions done. 
Things given. 
Words spoken. 

Things would have been easier if you were more honest.

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