There are a few ways to enter Sentosa, but my sister chose the most expensive one - The tram. LOL. It's freaking $4 right now luh! Madness.
So..... The musical was really good. Enjoyed my time entirely!
But, I was disappointed with the stage.
The theater is small to begin with but the musical's staging was quite far back leaving a significant space from the front unnecessarily(?) :( Instead of looking at pencil size them, we end up seeing ant size them. :( "Wicked" staging was far far better. Ah. Miss that musical.
Our seats were pretty good though. Right smack in the middle from the front and side. :D
Could have taken pictures with the cast but we decide to save money on their show booklet. xD
And oh oh! I was sad that Wednesday Addams was in a short hair and not two ponytails. :(
If there's a chance, I would catch it again. ^^