Sunday, February 06, 2011

初三 &The Plan Failed. keke.

Overall, our main plan failed. In general, we still had a great time together.
It was awesome just taking some time out to chill over lunch and dinner and just talking... Though it wasn't our plan and even though our main objective wasn't met, we definitely did not regret travelling an hour down. (:
ps: At least, I had a fantastic time and I didn't regret. (:

Details about our fail aside, steamboat+teppanyaki lunch and dinner was delicious. I really like the noodles Xiuqing's mother prepared for us! ^^ There were too much steamboat food though, literally had to quick cook to finish them in the last hour of our stay because we didn't wanna come off as being unappreciative. :\ It was well prepared and really nice. ^^

I couldn't help much with finishing all the food due to my lousy throat. Forgot my daily dosage of Vitamin Cs today... :\ I've been taking 2 tablets of Vitamin Cs everyday ever since before CNY... It can last me the entire day till I wake up the next... Lol. I hope my body doesn't get used to it or get immune to Vitamin Cs and reject that option of mine to avoid falling ill.... xS

Because of my bad throat, I couldn't totally enjoy much CNY goodies too! Had to kindda just stare at the goodies at my maternal granny's place. Lol. Didn't wanna risk falling ill. But it isn't entirely a bad thing right? At least there won't be horizontal growths. xP Haha.

Alright, I didn't wanna be longwinded as always but it seems like I've failed again... :\ 
I shall just end it here then. (:

Okay, this is random and weird (?) but, I really really REALLY like this bottle! ^^
So... Kuso~

So much fluid in me during lunch... :O


Very satisfied Guan! :D


Funny moment.
We quickly took a few snapshots of ourselves thinking Guan was changing back into her initial dressing (she changed into Xiuqing's Secondary School P.E attire to feel more comfortable), and so we could act like we weren't going to take pictures with her after her effort to change. Turns out she went into Xiuqing's room to hide from getting any shots taken instead! HAHA. 



Second round, dinner time! :)



(Y) Scallops~~~ (Y)

The very cute sliced Hotdog.

Small but really sweet prawns!
Literally BBQ-ed every single one that were prepared and pealed them to rotate among ourselves. 

Leftovers to pack for Guan & Xiuqing's supper!
They're staying over at Guan's place tonight to continue with projects. :\ I should be there too!!! But because I had to go temple tomorrow early in the morning, I had to give the sleepover a miss... :((( It would have been a really great night if we could spend it over at Guan's empty house. xD



Guan so prettyyyyyyyyy so sexy !!!! hehe.

No idea why tall girls still like to wear high high heels though. Tsk.

I know, I know, I'm short... Hmpf...


Really like this facial expression of Guan, I don't know why... :\ Lol.



Quick packing!
Guan was really craving for 贡茶(Gong Cha). Planned to quickly finish food, pack up and cab down to places to get them. Turns out we were too late for any 贡茶 and even KOI... Settled for this Bubble Orange(?) and it's seriously of no match to neither! It's nice and wins SweetTalk, hands down, but being priced the same as KOI's, it's overrated. Loses to both and really not worth the price...
Shit, why am I suddenly doing a review?! Lol. 
I'm crazy.

Last few shots!




Took a white to decide between the public transport and Taxi as our going-home transport. Due to the time, our exhaustion and the price, we opted to cab home. It isn't a bad choice when you're tired, actually... Add just 3 bucks more and you'll get your travel-time halved! Took me only about half hour to reach home. As much as I wanna save money for HK trip, the fact that it cost only 3 bucks more was uberr tempting....
Wait, why am I doing this again?! Tskkkkk.
Digressing so much tonight.

Alright, know you guys don't like my rants. 

ps: Good hair day everyday!!!
I'm considering to go short-short again. :\ But I sure wanna highlight my fringe. xD Damn tempted!

SHIT, I'm coughing already! :(((

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