Monday, August 02, 2010


This is so frustrating! It totally suck when you can't communicate well with other. I guess we both understand that. Thus, doesn't exactly wanna talk to each other face-to-face. I remember the last conversation we had, it was so... difficult! Had to repeat my simple question, "She told me to work with you so, I'm here to assist you. Do you need any help?" at least THREE TIMES! Zzz

But, it is totally not the time to worry about that; Kindda really need help here with the goddamn thing but we went one huge round the largest ocean on earth and no, it's not even addressed yet. -,- Gosh! And this time, via email.


So now both ways can't work well. =,= #%@%$@%##@%##%% Frustrating.
Guess I have to just go up to him to clear everythinggg.

ps: A short rant because today's a busy day. And stupid, I'm having a headache. Goddamn flu and stupid cough ain't helping much with the workload and I'm so annoyed!!!!!!!

Pissed off okay!
