Anneyong, yeoreobun~~
Been a while since I updated this space.
Was kindda debating on doing an entry because I do not have any pictures to upload... :/
Until I realise I zipped and sent myself a set of photos taken on Sunday^^
PS: You know you can't stand me blogging a wordy entry without pictures~ ;)
But after unzipping the folder, I got lazy to upload them all. =x

So, so, so, so, only 1/10 unglam photos for you people out there~~ Lol.
PS: CHRISTINA/HUANQING! MSN me to send you the pictures taken...

Today's not a good day.
Didn't wanna wake up initially.
Had a terrible headache and a bad throat. -.-
And now... my mind's blank... Do not know what I wanna blog anymore. :/

PS: I'll pray hard you'll get the opportunity to go for the Perth Exchange Programme. On one small condition, STOP BEING EMO-ISH! :)
I am feeling hungry right now. But my bad throat's making me lose my appetite. :S
Checked my bank transactions last night and realise my bank account is drained; almost dripping blood. x.x
Sigh... Need to do major controlling on my spendings right now. Can't afford to go broke in Suzhou. So not gonna be good if I have to control my spendings in Suzhou. pfft.
& Oh ya!
Happy 21st(20th), Jjong! :Dkekeke.