Few donkey days ago -
ME: *In fast speed* "...... Dorothy Perkins ......"
SiewCheng: "Huh? Donkey?"
ME: "Hmmm?"
SiewCheng: "What Donkey Pumpkins?"
ME: -burst into laughter-
It was really cute when she made that comment, like seriously! Lol.
Today, we had an extremely random idea to go Plaza Singapura's Dorothy Perkins and see if there's any nice dress SiewCheng can get... Coincidentally getting to use my birthday discount if we're purchasing anything. ^^ Today's the last day for the discount!!!! T,T
FYPJ killed my shopping time and mood~~
That's just a lame excuse.
& please take a look at what dear SiewCheng has drawn~~

Cute much! ;)
Okay, so today's really awesome. Coding on the right track now...
Needs some encouragement -screams!!!!-
Okay, going back to work.
Everybadaeeee~~ HWAITING! :D
PS: Good Mood Rocks My Socks!!!!