Yesterday was a really long, slightly tiring yet really fun day!!! :D
Jiaxuan planned for a few of us to gather and do our last rounding to each others' place. ^^
Early in the morning to Yanling's -> Mine! -> Jiaxuan's -> Bingcheng's!
By the time we were done at Bingcheng's, it was 4pm already. :D

@ Yanling's.

Yanling is truly the joker of this group. LOL!
Never fails to make us laugh with her bimbo-ness. ;)

Spent about... 2 - 3 hours here? They playing cards, me watching tv and slacking while waiting for our brunch. Goodness, was famished!

While I was happily, excitedly and busy showing Bingcheng Kara's new song, "Lupin", the girls came over with a cake they baked!!! xD


2days younger than me, Edmond. ;) LOL!

Someone please push up my specs! Lol.

Human Error: Yanling forgot to write Edmond's name on the cake. LOL!

And the big spoiler of the house! Lol.

Fixing it back, everyone was damn shocked when it came off. LOL!

Yanling & Lijian


Bingcheng and Jiaxuan behinddddddd :D

On the way to my place~

@My place.

Sat around and talked to my mother for about... 30 minutes? Then, off we go to Jiaxuan's! :D

Guess who! -.-

This bimbo here made us all laugh with something stupid she said when we were on the way to Bingcheng's place. Really LOL!

No pictures taken in Bingcheng's place because the guys were too occupied with snacks while the girls were talking and some of us glued to the TV. Lol.
Oh ya! As I was saying, Yanling made a really stupid comment...
We were talking about our birth place...;
Yanling: "I was born in... Mt... Mt... Mt Everest, I think."
LOL!!!! =.= Must have took her a long time to reach Singapore..
Yanling: "The hospital name starts with Mt then letter 'A' one...."
Everest became Averest to Yanling. Lol. Then, we explained that Mt Everest is like the world's largest mountain or something...
Yanling: "Oo. So Mt Everest is in Singapore one?"
Really cannot tahan this bimbo!!! Lol. No general knowledge~~ Lol.
After leaving Bingcheng's place, Lijian and I wanted to cab home but all the taxi-drivers meanly ignored us because it was 15minutes to 5pm! Tsk!!! :@
End up taking bus home.
Rested, talked, and charged my phone before dad drove me to Siyi's place... ^^ Siyi invited a few of us to her place for a steamboat session. And, it was with her whole family, friends and relatives.
The place was... woah! Flooded with people.
I guess it was comparable to the crowd in my place on the 7th day of CNY but most probably 2 times more. LOL!
PS: Jo, I understand how you feel about being small in my place back then! Lol. I felt small in my friend's place too. HAHA!
The food was fantastic! Love the soup they had. . . Spicy but damn good. ;)
Came back home and announced to my mother that someone's soup was better than hers. HAHAH!

Us who were there & Siyi. (:

Siewcheng, Yingling and Limguan.
Came about... 20 minutes after I've reached.
AND OMG! The lift to Siyi's place is damn scary!!! I was almost freaking out when I was up alone. :S

LOL. Jokers.

Before leaving~~~

Just when I went to take the new battery because camera told me to change battery. -.- UNFAIR!

Cabbed home. The cab driver made a HUGE detour because of my mistake in not specifying the MRT station we wanted to pass by first. :(
After which, bathed and got ready for mahjong! Hehehe. Started around 11:32pm? And had to pause to pray after our second round because we believe some god came/passed by. And, I was the one who smelled the arrival first!!!! Woohoooooo~~ Hehehe. First time. Kekeke. 15minutes before my Chinese Birthday some more!!! Lol.
(I don't care if you believe such things or not, but yeah...)
Mahjong was in an enjoyable and fast speed~~ Me likey... Hoho... I always tend to get sick of the game or fall asleep when it takes an hour +++ for just one wind?! -.- Took us about 3 hours for our one full game... Got really tired because of our sitting posture. LOL!
And, I lost $26/9 all thanks to my dumb decision to throw a tile that had me paid for the whole table. =.= :@ That was like... $19!!! Pfft. But anyway, dad didn't wanna take the money! Asshole much. Played for nothing. :'(
Oh oh oh! I forgot to mention. When it strike 12mn, dad gave me a red packet. Hehhe. Happy much! And sister was kindda forced to give me her gift. LOL! Because I went to the kitchen to get something to eat and saw the box in the refrigerator. Teehee~~

From my sistaaaaaaaaa~~~

It was sinful BUT FREAKING GOOD!!!
Been a while since we ate Durian. LOL.
Woke up early because my alarm rang an hour earlier. -.- Need a new one!!!
It's weird this year... Aunt suddenly suggest to come over to cook some dish for my birthday?
Never happened AT ALL before! Weird. Lol.
And, lucky me...
Agenda for my Chinese Birthday:
Study for the whole day (excluding now) to prepare for an exam on my English Birthday.
LOL! Awesome yeah?
Okay okay. Shall stop here now with favourite pictures! :D

Because I talked, and the flame got blown. :(


Decided to use Photobucket to upload pictures this time. ^^ So much clearer. heheeh. But pardon the size when you click them to save, I'm too lazy to edit the html so I resized it before uploading. :D
PS: If any of you want the photos, MSN me. :D