Saturday, October 13, 2007

I'm dog-tired!!

Hello! Blogging again is sinful! XD

I'm panda-tired today!

Cute right? LOLs!

Any idiot can face a crisis -
it's day to day living that wears you out.
Anton Chekhov

Yes, YES- I'm soon going to fight a battle but now, I'm wearing out! )':

and, I need a HUG!!

Pardon me ehs. This is the best Panda-hugging picture I can find. XD

Just experienced a war happening in my head an hour ago. Tsk!
I really hate headaches paying me a visit when I'm doing Maths~

Okay, I'm going to have a short (hopefully it's short) nap before starting on my work.


Ohh, by the way: Does the word "list" have a pural form?

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