Thursday, June 08, 2006


another long day. gosh. come to think of it, the holiday is ending real soon. what's more, there's so many events and activities coming up that i don't think i can really enjoy the holidays le. worse still, my holiday assignments are still left untouched. urg! feel so frustrated.

anyway, today is infocomm's first day camp. hahas. had one game then headed to nan yang poly to attend a course on power point. all the basics. hahas. woke up early today but was rushing like hell. it's rainning again. because i thought i would be late, i actually ran to the bus stop with my umbrella which is not unstable due to my ''not-free'' hands. hahas. shouldn't have wore my sport shoe. it was so so wet. i felt so uncomfortable the whole day. was kindda drenched when i reached school. at least i know i looked like one who has just came out of the toilet. hahas! started the camp by giving some briefings. jiaxuan did that. well come to think of it, she did most of the talkings and i had to do all the administration works. sighs. anyway, played scavangar (urg! or whatever it is) and did tonnes of moving.
we had to move tables, chairs and computers from our infocomm room to this other room leaded by me, jiaxuan and mr. denise (i think it's spelled like that). hahs! i helped out and my leg got scratched! damnit! it really hurt lorhs. when it's dry it doesn't hurt but when i bathe, i was like: "gosh! it really hurts" and i kept shouting: "ouch". lols. what's more pathetic. the ones i helped were three boys. one secondary two and the other two secondary ones. but have to admit they really look very small size. anyway, after moving a number of real heavy furnitures, we had luch! hahas. i was damn starving. was craving for any food. hahs! then had our lunch and went to continue our glass painting! wahahs!
at 1400hrs plus, the whole lot of us went over to NYP and attend the course with Collin and Darry tagging along. everything ended at around 1645hrs and then we had some briefing and so on. well, today indeed is one FUNday. hahas. just hope that infocomm club members can be more united and close. to balance the world, there will always be the opposition! hahas. other than being happy, i'm rather disappointed with the secondary three students. it's like me and jiaxuan are the only secondary threes lorhs. hais. what's more, last night only james tell me about him gonna be absent for today's camp. the rest didn't inform us not even the teachers. sighs. i know infocomm is the most boring CCA, but it's your resposibility mahs. sometimes we cannot always choose what we wanna do. never mind about it.

tomorrow is orchestra turns to have camp! yeahs! i bet it's even more fun than infocomm de. need to get some sleep le! buh bye!! wahahs!

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