What better way to spend your Sunday than to be out in the sun? ☀☀
That's what I did today and I'm feeling the aftereffects already. hurr. Despite our rather late night yesterday X, I managed to force myself up early to meet up with the girls for a day out in the sun, bonding.... Rock climbing!!
Kesslyn and I have joined this Community Sports Club (Punggol North, X) earlier this year in hope to spend more time together with Jiaxuan (she's already a member), and to spend our time more meaningfully... Doing something less lazy, and getting more active. It's been manageable so far, attending monthly meeting as observers and helping out in events.
Today, we took part in a team bonding session with some of the committee members. :D

The only few young girls in the club :X
Can't believe I actually look quite fresh despite the lack of sleep. Lol.
We had breakfast before arriving at East Coast.. Met up with the girls at Punggol Plaza for MacDonalds and had our fill before the bus ride down. Little did we know.... NACLI (National Community Leadership Institute X) also arranged light breakfast for us.... So, we ate again. Lol.
Cannot remember the name of the previous training school, but it's no longer around.. NACLI has taken over~ When we were at the campsite, it brought back so much memories..... It's been 10 years, but I can still remember some of the things from our Secondary 2 camp! The sleeping and showering areas, the cheers before meals and all the kuku clothes we had to wear for safety reasons. Lol. I cannot remember who's on my team though. Oww, those were the days. Gone are those days.

New way to take OOTDs. ;)
You can very clearly see the shoe, bottoms and top. Lol.

That's Julie, by the way.. Jiaxuan's friend. :)
It was a fun day! Morning was more about team bonding where we did a few activities together and worked as one to complete some.. task. Before lunch, we learned about belaying X in preparation for our afternoon activity................... ROCK CLIMBING!!! Cannot believe I am typing in all caps for 'rock climbing'... Lol. But, I'm actually feeling very accomplished from today's session! :D I managed to surpass my target!

Here's Kesslyn and the wall.. She conquered it all and hit the top!! We all thought we'll pass just the 3rd wall. Lol.
No pictures of me with the wall because... unglamorous. Hahahah.

Helping each other and ensuring that we're all safe..
We had an episode.. One of us wanted to come down, but our instructor wanted more.. In the end, there were serious yelling and tears. It was quite a shock for everyone, and I guess especially so for the instructor. :/ It goes to show that we all have to trust one another and don't push limits sometimes. I understand the thoughts of both parties though... At the end of the day, I thought one shouldn't overreact too much.. Somehow... It may come off a little unnecessary? Just a thought.

I am so super glad that the helmets don't smell!
I always have this fear of putting on a smelly helmet... It can be nauseating! Imagine all the sweat from everyone who has worn it.. Geez.
And so, I manage to exceed the third wall!!!! Couldn't reach the top, of course, I think I was at the fourth or almost at the fifth(?) and that was enough.. I didn't give up even though I slipped off from the wall... I'm proud of myself for that! Swung and held on for a bit more. It felt really nice to have people support you from below. :') I've never dared to try rock climbing because I knew it'll look very bad while going up and coming down... I'm glad I've ignored all that insecurities and just went ahead.. &Now, I'm having major regrets for not trying onboard Voyager back in April (read here!). SOBS!

After a good day out in the sun and bonding together! ^^
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