Panoramic view we get at Tower. Lucky day to have plenty of fluffy clouds visble too!

Got this sudden appreciate for our landscape. 新加坡也很美嘛! Less the constructions still going on though.

Lunch one day and I gotz cute pasta!! ^^
Got these from my Japan trip while cruising in April! (Readz)

Colleague looking so cute = post! xD

Lychee Martini again?
Pulled off a bloody last minute birthday celebration for June babies because boss got us cake!

HaniJas looking fresh after finishing our Kick Boxing and Zumba class and showering..... for a movie!!! :D
Caught "Spy" X and we were very entertained! Laughed so much that we forgot we were tired. haha.
Fridays should be like this! Ever since I started going for Friday classes (I LOVE THE CLASSES), I stop having TGIF activities because most people don't wanna meet me after 10pm. :( Also because of my damn 2359hrs curfew laaaaa.... So, going for class has been my only Friday activity. Hurrrr.. /littlepathetic But it's okay... Going out less means I'll save more money and calories. LOL.
Besides, Friday classes are a lot a lot of fun! Kick Boxing and Zumba.... Less slow and boring like Yoga :X, and less strenuous than our weights class... I still go for both Weights and Yoga classes la, just saying I'm liking my Friday classes a lot more. I also really like our Friday instructor! She's sometimes so in her own world, and her Zumba classes are like normal dance classes! HEH.

Baby Sugar

Like Father Like Daughter. xD

One fine evening where the sky was looking so pretty! Pink!

Selfie with ma new hair color y0z! :D
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