Blogging again because I had a greaaat time with Haniza last night, and a healthy morning with Chiulee today - We went cycling this morning! :D
(And I'm making it a habit to not lump all my entries in one. Hehe.)
Despite getting home really late and sleeping only at 4am last night, I managed to wake up and

Chiulee is now termed my closetfriend because my family didn't know we were so close. When I shared that I'll be having dinner or going for a cycle with her alone, my sister and mother asked "Since when were y'all on such good terms?" Lol.
Truth be told, we weren't close from the get go. In fact, we were probably even awkward with each other in the beginning with not many common topics or even the chance to even interact much. Chiulee was mostly busy back then with school and whatnot.
And life, as always, is unpredictable and full of changes. I don't even know when we started becoming closer, but since the first time we hung out and had dinner alone, things just happened. :D :D :D Which is good. I'll never complain having another close friend. Especially since growing up has made it easier for people to realize who should matter and who shouldn't.
Anywayz, back on our cycling session today...................
I would say this is the longest cycling route I've ever taken! The last time I cycled, we started from Punggol Park, took a few minutes rest at Punggol End and headed back to our starting point. We also weren't in a hurry to return our bikes. This time however, we went a huge round all the way through Buangkok back to Punggol Park. It was approximately 7~9km, and we did it slightly after 2hours. Took just under 15 minutes of rest because we didn't wanna pay more for the rental. #cheapos. Lol.

Our first rest~
I'm super glad the route to this bridge is finally done and not as rocky and dangerous!
No horrible pain in the buttocks!

And our second stop slightly over Punggol End!
We took a short water break and tried to figure our way back.
This was also where we decide to finish the entire journey without 2 hours. Lol.
Next time, we'll just return our bikes in Punggol End and rent again to go back!

Third stop where I asked for a..... 5minute rest because my butt was hurting so so so bad!
Seriously, why can't bicycle seats be a little more comfortable? :(
After our cycling session, we strolled to Kangkar Mall and had brunch! Duck Rice! :D

Here's the very red-faced me (not obvious here~), not looking forward to all the butt hurting days. Lol.
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