So, here I am blogging about today because today was a good day. It was exhausting, but it was good. (Y)! It's been so long since I've blogged about something on the exact same day it happens. Life has gotten better of me. I've been just tired and lazy. :X
And as I've admitted that I've been lazy, here's a lazy way to blog too~ Just pictures with my long winded text. :D

Here's how my day went! :D
Woke up early after sleeping at 2am, for a vaccination. Came home for a little rest before heading out to meet my girlfriends. Had a really awesome catchup session with Karena (I miss her like crazy!), and headed down to Kovan's Futsal Pitch for our Bubble Bump!!
It was an activity planned as a birthday celebration for Jolene and Weishan - A little too belated because it was kindda hard to arrange a date everyone's available, but WE DID IT!!!
We picked a date, gathered together and had a hell lot of fun! :D

The bubbles!
There were red and blue to easily identify the teams!

Braids for the girls with long hair!

Got a relatively good deal on their website.
(Relatively good because two days after we paid for the deal, it got cheaper! T^T)

Contrary to what we've researched on (many complained the smell for another brand), the Bubble Bump didn't stink. At all! Until, of course, we played in it. It was initially a very normal rubber smell. But even after two hours in it, it didn't stink as bad as we'd thought it'll be. Which was good. Because, I thought I'll feel like vomitting everytime I go in. :X

All prepared in our respective bubbles!

Talking our strategies!
First game was the common 'football in a ball' game.

Sky briefing us all~
The owners of Bubble Bump were really nice!
There was a little situation prior to our games. They were slightly late, but got down very quickly to prepare all the bubbles. &To make up for it, they managed to book another hour of the futsal pitch and gave us a complimentary hour more to play! :D Them being all friendly was a plus.

So........ the next few pictures are just of us in bubbles going around playing the game. Lol.

Check out me almost falling, and this other person at the back already upside down!

Like Kesslyn here!
Except, she hurt herself. :X
Must be careful when you topple over! Because we have to make sure we are not resting on our heads, have to also make sure we quickly flip over or else we'll be hurting like Kesslyn here.
I'm glad she's okay after a while uh. If not it would have been terrible.


And us, the winners with no proper group shot. :(

A quick break after our first half (which was just 5 minutes!).

The first game was merely 5 minutes, but boy were we dogged and all sweaty!
It was challenging but very very fun!
It was even more thrilling when our team was winning. HEHEHE.

Here we have this idiotic Weishan trying to negotiate and swap teams. >:(
There was supposedly a penalty for the losing team.
But walao, birthday big. So we changed team (not)! :p
We end up changing a different game first. Lol.
Too lazy to explain the other games so I shall crack my brain trying to recall in the future when I read this again.

&Here we grant the birthday girls wish and changed team.
With Weishan winning in scissors paper stone and taking all the good players.
Damn asshole. Lol.
It's not the winning, but the game shan. :P

Taking another break because we completed our first hour and Karena was leaving. :(

Full strength!!!! :D

So proud of our SIA girl here. ^^

With the extra free hour, we continued another round of bumping! :D

All stuck together!

Lonely me. Lol.
This game was about forcing the chosen 'flag' of the other team into one's own base. It started out hilarious as the red team got it all wrong and enthusiatically ran into our base, giving us a good head start with that point. Hahaha. Weishan chose all the guys for this game uh! Selfish!
And then here's me, sticking to my own base while every one else were out there fighting. Lol.

We played to win, but there wasn't a clear winner because the birthday girls decide to swap team and mix things up. But since the activity was for their birthday, we made the both of them go through the terrible forfeit!
Having the guys roll them all around! Lol.

Here's Jolene.
Super crazy speed spinning from one end to the other and back.

Shan all ready for her turn. lol.

Helping out to deflat the bubbles! :D
Taking the chance to have a good rest too.

Group shot with the players and the people from BubbleBumpSG!


And so after the games, the few of us (Shan, Jolene, Kesslyn, Gary, Samuel and myself) headed down to Serangoon Gardens for a good mookata dinner! :D All the exercise and sweating gone with those food. Lol.
We later tried looking for a place to settle and chill but everywhere was crowded. In the end, the girls stayed in Little Wimbly Lu while the guys warmed up outside. Lol.
The night ended fuzzy as I revealed quite a bit about what's been weighing on my mind lately. Super glad to have people I can pour my heart out to. ^^
And with this, I'm ending the entry to try sleeping. x,x
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