From yesterday!!! :D
After the performance, we headed out to take some pictures with Hui Yi and then went out of Esplanade to wait for Hui Yi before having supper at Upper Thomson! :D

The supporters!! kekeke.

Poo Kwee, Cressa, myself, Hui Yi and Keong Yee! :D

Us and pretty Hui Yi~

Poo Kwee said this picture can never see the world.
But... the world don't read my blog right? xD

I've always been envious of their friendship!
But sometimes, I find it too funny how they are together. :X Lol.

Lol. My crazy friend.

Cressa had us all pose emo-ish, and then Keong Yee come disturb.
They later took turns to play with my camera. Lol.

Poo Kwee started snapping too many shots...

&Here's Cressa going "okay, enough enough, I'm going to leave." lolol.

And then we went a little crazy at the lights area as you can see. xD

Took a few big head shots and Keong Yee took the nicest!

Super model, Cressa?

Doing it and feeling embarrassed of herself. LOL!

Some tourist-y pictures while waiting for Hui Yi!

And that was it! :D
Met up with Hui Yi and headed down to Upper Thomson for some prata~
Got a ride back home too, special thanks to Poo Kwee! ^^
That night, while we enjoyed the lights outside Esplanade, I wondered how this friendship happened. I was never once close to any of these people. We were merely classmates; who barely had any full conversations together throughout our two years....
Okay okay, Pookwee and Cressa were above talking terms with me. Closer classmates, but still not good/close friends. I clearly remember being close to a totally different group of friends.
But a decade later, I'm no longer talking to most of the people I was close with; and is having fun hanging out with people I barely had a friendship with!
Lol. Isn't life just so full of surprises?
That night, I also got reminded of a freaking good friend I used to have. We were classmates during our first two years in Primary School, and became really close thereafter................ up until after PSLE. I can only remember one of our last conversations together. Not the content of our conversation, but where we had the conversation. And as we grow older, I literally forgot about her. LOL.
She seems to be doing well now though. And she's currently attached to one of my many crushes back then. HAHAHAHHA.

Hopefully, we'll meet up more often and with more friends!
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