Other than the best Christmas Celebration and the BBQ Christmas I had last week, yesterday was a great Christmas eve with MCBI (yes, again!) and Shamyn!!!! ^^ Can't wait to wrap up this wonderful Christmas with friends from EC tonight. :3And,,, here's how my Christmas eve went! :3

Christmas with MCBI
Third consecutive year with these wonderful people. ^^
I kept telling people how I've only worked for 10 months but have celebrated 3 Christmas already. lol.
This is probably the last time with them already though. :')

The annual competition the company has.
This year, it's to decorate an assigned corner.
And this is Marketing + Accounts! Nice?
More shots because I really like it. ^^
ps: We won the first prize!!!

Check out the fireplace and the dwarf hiding inside for warmth!

My favourite part of the decoration!
Because,,, I made the snowballs. LOL!

Lucky lucky draw!
Grand prize was a.... MACBOOK AIR!!!!
But lucky me, I wasn't entitled to the lucky draw. >:(

Gifts gifts and more gifts!
It's always nice to have people give gifts during Christmas!
These colleagues always so sweet! Even as a temp staff, I'm given gifts! ♥

All time favourite Christmas Card thanks to Meihua.
It was a day we did not have to work at all. Everyone arrived at the office with a mind to party party party!

My department had to wear pink -,- off all colors!
And the committee so dull, all black! PFFT. :p

Many many selfies with Mei Hua.
The little girl who took over my position after Jensen.
Also a junior of the same Polytechnic (different course though lol).
Super bubbly (and loud) and really fun to be with! But, she's so negative! :x
Be happy and positive babe, you're blessed! ♥

She's the kind of person who only takes picture when she has makeup on because of the different way she look.
Explains the lack of photos I have with her.
It was hilarious to know that our boss couldn't even recognise her when she gave him a muffin for Christmas in her nude face because the first time they met, she was all dolled up.
But seriously, they have been in the same office for so long leh.... Lol.

Before the part started
After the party ended.

Wei Yen Wei Yen!
She went to dye her hair in JB, half green half red. :O
So insane!!!!
But that wasn't her plan luh, so she end up covering the bright green and made it ash.

Kelly Kelly Kelly who has an injured eye that day. Booooooo.

One of the faces I was really looking forward to see when I got back. ^^

Super cute and blurr Chloe.

& after all the chilling around, the party started!!!!


The prettiest girl we had in the party!
Someone's niece.
She won this game, btw. She hid in our boss office amidst all the chaos and mess. LMAO.

Committees don't have to play. WHAT IS THIS!!!! >:(


I practically stood there to let people burst my balloons when Yellow or Pink was annouced.

Happy Weiyen is happy!

Spot me at the far back trying to protect another colleague as a wild man violently tries to burst her last balloon. Lol.
And my manager look so high with her last white balloon. LOL.

It was pretty insane!
Running and screaming. Lol.
There were a few other games like doing a crossword puzzle (my team won this!!! and I got a $5 NTUC voucher) and some figure-this-out thingy. The committee even made use of the currently famous "Santa/Elf me up" thingy and had our managers and boss dance for us. Lol. It was pretty funny.
After all the games, we hung out with each other for a bit to take pictures.

Awkward hand is awkward.
It was damn awkward. Being in the company for three years now, I've never wanted to take a picture with my boss but the rest asked if I wanted a picture in front of him and I thought it's a bit weird to say no when everyone else enthusiastically wanted to. x,x

With my pink pink managers. ^^
Lunch was served a while later.
From Jack's Place, $30/pax. And the food were all good. At least one slice of medium size salmon for each of us! I LOVED IT!!! There was also this really nice blackpepper beef and and and this scallop! There was also tempura prawns (normal/common, I know). I'm feeling all hungry now just thinking about it. x,x
Meihua and I got called to do some work though. So we spent our free time packing books. Weeeeeeeeeeee.
Lucky draw was up next and then the usual Christmas carol before... HOME SWEET HOME!!!! Whoop!
Except, I didn't go home but went to town thereafter to meet Shamyn. hehehehheheh.

It has been 40 weeks since our last meetup :O and yesterday's lunch date was finally made after many many postponed dates. Lol. Better late than never right? Moreover, we met on Christmas Eve!!!!!!! YAY!
We couldn't really decide on where to have lunch so we settled down at Wild Honey.
Have been to Wild Honey a few times now but yesterday was my first visit to the outlet at Scotts Square.
Friendlier staffs and we don't have to make orders on our own! \O/
Lazy people ftw. :x
The outlet was pretty crowded though.
So, we walked out to the open as Shamyn smoked and fill me in with her life for at least 30 minutes!
Just like the first conversation we have. Her constant rant.
But that's what I love about her! ♥

Love this shot. Like nice only. :x


After lunch, we walked around for a bit.
But,, before all that,,, we camwhored quite a bit outside Takashimaya. HEHEHEHE.
Things I do with Shamyn. ♥

And she's the only one who would insist I take an #ootd picture.

I am extremely glad to finally meet this prettyface.
I was really afraid we would end up like the many friendships I have; drift apart and become just acquaintances.
At least we were just focussing on our own lives for a bit before meeting to fill each other up about what we've missed for 10 months. LOL. I am also happy that she felt comfortable to share a lot with me. :')


&That was my eve. ^^
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