It was simple.
Waking up early to spend the day at g.Spa with the family. Sister and I went to their gym before having a nice bath, spa and then relax before having lunch with my parents. The three of them had massages thereafter though. I just stoned in the sleeping corner. :3 I never really enjoyed massages.
Is it weird? Because I don't like people touching me. LOL.

Anyway, evening came pretty fast and my dad drove me to Lance's place for my second activity!
National Day with my happypills!!!! :D
Supposedly wanted to eat steamboat but it's a hassle so we planned to order pizzas and stuff. We end up having MacDonald's because Lance live in a place no one wants to go to. LOL.
It was a simple cozy night sitting around watching the National Day parade together. :)
Karena: But why? We'll all be old and wrinkled.
Those who heard got confused.
LOL! This bimbo is always bringing us laughter!! Turns out Gary also mistook what I said. Tsk tsk.
After the parade, we chilled in Lance house for another hour watching "Mata Mata" before slacking some more until we decide to head down to Yishun dam to end the night.
We also drop by Jalan Kayu for some Selegie beancurd. HEHE.
Another funny episode happened.
Weishan and I were in-charge of getting the things. And when we were heading back to the car, she didn't pay attention and almost opened the door to someone else's car!!!!! It was pretty epic because she really almost opened the door until I called out to her. LOL.
Night didn't end too late though. We only managed to spend a little under 2 hours (played camp games again haha) in the place before I had to rush back home. T^T

While we camwhoreeeeeeed the guys..........

So we continued. xD

&dragged them to join. hehe
