Last night with the Sheryl, Rachel, Syuhada and Emily @ Plaza Singapura's Nandos! :)

Finally met up with Syuhada, Sheryl and Rachel last night!!
The last time we got together was Christmas last year! :O
Time flies.......... But I'm always glad we'll still have a lot to catch up and talk about whenever we meet. ^^ Last night was somewhat a dinner celebration for Syuhada's birthday. It was fairly simple. Dinner together and then chilled for a while in Starbucks listening to Syuhada's "story" xD
First time dining in Nandos and I must say,, I've never liked chicken breast meat until yesterday's meal. LOL. Their chicken was really nicely cooked.. Not like how I'd always hated it, dry tough and rough. >< Or maybe, it's just my mother who always overcook chickens. :/
The night ended early because most of us wanted to head home early.
School has officially started again after three weeks break! It's supposedly just two weeks but because there was National Day and Hari Raya last week, we only attended one class so.... Yeah, it was a three weeks break. xD
But I'm quite... annoyed with how things have been scheduled. T^T
We've attended merely 3-4 lessons and are expected to churn out reports and projects very soon. But like always, we'll complete things and get over them soon enough. Hurrrr. :D
I'm not really looking forward to submitting all the assignments or for the exams to be over.... I wanna remain as a student for as long as I can... >< The thought of stepping back into society and to work again is so dreadful..... It's what we all have to do at the end of the day, isn't it? :/
Oh oh! It's only the second local lecturer but this semester looks promising! For now, we have really good lecturers. HEHE.
It's been a longgg day with two classes back to back since 8:30am and I'm beat.
BYE! ♥