This entry is pretty much gonna be filled with just pictures.
Mostly overloaded with Sugar's ultimate cuteness and some with our faces. :D
Before and after meeting up with ECclassmates to celebrate Dickson's birthday, I went to Karena's place to chill and hung out with a few of my happypills (respectively). :3

She was super sweet! Knowing my tummy was upset and offered to pack food for me. :')

Brought this devil to her place because.......
I don't know? I just felt it because I wanted to see Karena and Karena wanted to see Sugar. lol.

It was as if she was in her own house, hopping and running around in Karena's room, even exploring her bed! Lol.

But fair enough, Karena had her fair share of dressing Sugar up.
Check out her butt! hehe.

Doing what she love, people-watching!
Her eyes look as if they were lighted up!

Sugar claiming her first soft toy in Karena's place. lol.
&Yeah, she changed her butt headband to a sunflower clip. SO CUTE.

Here's behind the scene to snap a good shot of Sugar!


Of course, we camwhored too! hehe.

*Random insert of Sugar watching tv together

After the celebration, trained down to Kovan to end the night with a few of my happypills.
People always think we meet up often. Truth is, we used to, but we've been busy!
Last night was the first time we met since....... 2 MONTHS & 16 DAYS AGO!
Yes, that's a very long time.

While we're catching up and having fun, two of our dear friends were mugging....

They were so cute, taking a picture and sending us that because I shared out fun-times picture. xD

Two shots taken by Weizhong who was working there!
So nice to meet someone you haven't seen in years!

CUTE HOR. hehe.

Favourite shot of the night. ♥