ps: Yongquan wasn't unhappy. He just thought the shot was taken after the first flash xD

They had dinner at Compass Point's Soup Restaurant!
Their dinner started after 9:15pm uh, mad. lol.
&The restaurant closes at 10pm. :O

Yanling: "It's like as if we're celebrating my birthday again tonight!"

Proceeded to the nearby CC to blow candles, cut cake and take group shots! :)

Despite Dickson asking us not to, we sang him the birthday song out loud anyway. xD

Artistic shot of the cake, Bingcheng took~

Lol. Edmond look so happy here with his entire mouth shown. xD
But after all the good times, come the tidying up times. Zz

Yanling's expression make it look like we asked her to do a lot of chores. lol.

Most of the pictures last night was taken with his camera!!!
And I have no idea why he kept saying the pictures turn out cuiz. NO WHAT!

I actually like this picture best~
(Though Edmond's so candidly far. Everyone looks super happy!)