
It was a REALLY pretty crazy night with Syuhada Emily Rachel and Sheryl. Crazy crazy fun but quite tiring..... Okay, it was VERY tiring! Lol. Maybe, we're just old already uh. >< Honestly, I am quite impressed with myself right now................. I am DOGGED!!! Like for real. My brain isn't working at her best, my eyes are semi-closed, my shoulders hurt, my arms are bruised and I'm feeling nothing but exhausion. I haven't been sleeping anytime before 1am and OMG IT'S 2AM ALREADY!!!
Okay, sorry. I meant to say~~~ And......... I've been waking up early for work so it's really taxing on my body but why why whyyyyy do I still wanna update my blog ah???? Lol. I am crayyyyyy crayyyyy crazzzzzy!!
Anywayz, just gonna upload all the pictures, caption a bit here and there and I'll be Zzz.
Okay, sorry. I meant to say~~~ And......... I've been waking up early for work so it's really taxing on my body but why why whyyyyy do I still wanna update my blog ah???? Lol. I am crayyyyyy crayyyyy crazzzzzy!!
Anywayz, just gonna upload all the pictures, caption a bit here and there and I'll be Zzz.


Syuhada Sheryl & Emily

Rachel and I !

Checking themselves out before taking Instax because they are un-deletable.
ps: Obviously haven't filtered the photos ah... Sorry for the unglam shots girls! hehz.

So............................... Rushed down to ION after work (after missing buses &trains!!!!!!!) to meet up with these lovely girls! It was an advanced Christmas Celebration!!! Woooooohoooo~
This the season to be jolly~ lalala lala lalalala~
I think I always celebrate Christmas in advanced though Christmas last 12 days...... After Christmas, it's a break session to rest the body and prepare the mind for the new year!!!!!! So fast.... 2013 is gonna come knocking on our door very soon. :( Emily is turning 22 in no time. :O lol.
During dinner, which was at Swenses, we caught up and talked about what we do not wanna get for Christmas and drew lots to pick who our lucky kid would be! Then, we paid for the dinner and headed our separate ways to shop for gifts! IT WAS ALMOST HORRIBLE FOR ME OKAY!!!! 1 hour is totally not enough to get 2 good gifts. *sigh* Rushed around (with a bag filled with at least 2kg of books!) and end up being latest to the last meetup point, MarbleSlab @ Plaza Singapura.......... :((( Was feeling damn stressed, tired, sad and frustrated with myself! :(((
Anyway, bad things aside............... I was glad we had fun and we all like our gifts Secret Santa got us. ^^ I am going to make sure it's at least 2 hours solo gift hunting for next year though. lol. &&, solo shopping like so sad! Especially when we have met up already! Right???? hah. It's the thrill and the fun and the excitement I guess. Can't deny it was rather exciting ah. :)
During dinner, which was at Swenses, we caught up and talked about what we do not wanna get for Christmas and drew lots to pick who our lucky kid would be! Then, we paid for the dinner and headed our separate ways to shop for gifts! IT WAS ALMOST HORRIBLE FOR ME OKAY!!!! 1 hour is totally not enough to get 2 good gifts. *sigh* Rushed around (with a bag filled with at least 2kg of books!) and end up being latest to the last meetup point, MarbleSlab @ Plaza Singapura.......... :((( Was feeling damn stressed, tired, sad and frustrated with myself! :(((
Anyway, bad things aside............... I was glad we had fun and we all like our gifts Secret Santa got us. ^^ I am going to make sure it's at least 2 hours solo gift hunting for next year though. lol. &&, solo shopping like so sad! Especially when we have met up already! Right???? hah. It's the thrill and the fun and the excitement I guess. Can't deny it was rather exciting ah. :)

All our nicely wrapped gifts prepared in less than an hour!

Exhausted faces all!
I even managed to braid my fringe (because damn hot!) from Somerset station to Dhoby Ghaut!!!! :O

First kid I picked.... RACHEL!!!!

&here's Sheryls' gift from Rachel!

Sheryl picked memememe!!! Got me a lovely necklace. ^^

Second kid, Syu drew Rachel!

The person I wanna pick the least~~~ Emily! Lol.

Rachel's gift to me! &She guessed it, I love the gift!

To Sheryl~

&To Syuhada again!

Emily's happy face!

She like her new tumbler so much she couldn't stop smiling and giggling!


Opening Sheryl's gift.....
I look quite psycho and pervy when I rotate the picture so I'mma leave it like this. hahaha.
I look happy right? I was! :D

Necklaces and Rings (especially heart ones!) are never wrong gifts for me!

Still happy about her tumbler after we've opened our second gift lo! </3


&The purple pouch matchy with my purplehighlights! hehz.
Now so obvious right???


Rachel look so funny here. hahahaha.
It was actually a really simple night. But we all agree that it's very tiring. HAHA. Age catching up with us? Poor Rachel and Emily. xD

No idea what's with our hands ah. She say we're attached. Eeee. I don't want. lol.
Cannot wait to see her tomorrow though. xD


