&We're back to Au Chocolat s agreed previously!

Didn't wanna go for the usual pasta or main course so went for their breakfast!
Not loving the bacon but the pancake is pretty fantastic. Thick but good. It's actually like what my sister makes. :/

I'm not a Olive Oil (or whatever it is) Pasta kindda person.
But this was good!

Truffle Fries Emily was craving!
I get Truffle Fries now. FRAGRANT!

Was aiming for this since the last time we were there.

Except for the chocolate one, I LOVE ALL THE OTHER THREE!
Even the cappuccino one! &I'm not even a coffee person!
ps: Actually, I didn't know the cappuccino was cappuccino. LOL.

That face because this Emily damn bastard!
I pretty much ate 3/4 of the crepe because she was too full.
Lucky I didn't eat much Truffle Fries. THERE WAS HALF LEFT IN FACT!!! Lol.
This old woman, wanna order so much when she know she has a bird appetite!

LOL! Just realize I look like I'm grabbing my boob. No, I'm not.

:O Their Macaroons

I was too full to feel tempted but waaaaa looking at them now~~~~ ♥

I wonder how sweet this huge piece is when the small ones are too sweet for my liking. >,>



Rushed down to MBS after work yesterday. It was a greaaaaaaaaat 2-hour dinner. Stuffed after that all thanks to Emily. Lol. Had a good chat about many many random things too. :D Wanted to do the usual and blog right after dinner last night but even before getting home I was pretty dogged. I was so tired that I actually start removing my makeup when I was walking home!! No joke. Bought remover sheets and thought that I should save time and clean up my face so I can jump straight to bathe when I get home. People who saw me might have thought I was some lunatic or something. :/ Lol. Guess I'd stressed my body too much.