Just an entry filled with Shamyn & I! ♥
Now that I'm back at work, it is Shamyn's turn to drop by for lunch! But I know, her main motivation doesn't come from seeing me but eating 14's fishsoup! hahaha. Like when I drop by back then to have lunch, I was mostly missing the fishsoup too. xD
14 is a.............. coffee shop near our office. Though it has a few other food stalls, we used to eat fish soup 3~4 times a week! No joke! It is by far the best fishsoup I've ever tasted!!! Even Karen says it's good! But to be fair,,, I've probably had fishsoup....... 5(?) times in my life thus far. LOL!
14 is a.............. coffee shop near our office. Though it has a few other food stalls, we used to eat fish soup 3~4 times a week! No joke! It is by far the best fishsoup I've ever tasted!!! Even Karen says it's good! But to be fair,,, I've probably had fishsoup....... 5(?) times in my life thus far. LOL!

What a pleasant surprise. ♥!

The wrapper is super cute!

&TADAH!! I now have more

ROAR!!! lol.
Yes, it is neccessary that we spam many many shots when we meet! ^^

&Yeah, over time, I realize I don't have much expressions to take pictures with anymore. lol


Today's actually quite a horrible day. There were many many many MANY small small bad lucks. :( Why like thattttt.... Have I been too happy? hahahha. Anywayz, the only good thing that has happened this horrible Wednesday is meeting with my pretty Shamyn and the Christmas celebration with Emily Syuhada Rachel and Sheryl. :) The rest were just.... horrible. Hectic. Tiring. Many missed trains/buses. &Tonight I'm sleeping with a bruised arm. :(

Leaving with a happy note: My favourite shots! ^^

Loving my hair here! So 飘飘.
&OMG my purplehair so nice. hahahah.