♥Xiuqing & Emily jiejie~ :D
Guan couldn't join us this time because she has been diligently mugging at home for her exams while Yingling is enjoying her life travling to New York and all~
Miss them truckloads! :(


Emily was inlove with the nuggest. Lol.
weirdo. But it was nice la.

We only went for two rounds. Lol.
Buffet-ing with Emily and Xiuqing is like going for food sampling!
Take many but eat little! Lol. Had to stuff some of the food in the end. x,x
There was plenty of food choices and everything look really nice! We took almost 70% of what was part of the High-Tea. For the variety and standard of the food, $41.20 is definitely worth it! Lucky we've got this 1-for-1 voucher! Took this opportunity to treat Emily. :) But honestly, even without the voucher, I would still go for the buffet someday when I've extra cash in my wallet. :) I'll definitely not be late too! So we can leisurely enjoy the food. Maybe then, we could finish what we took. lol.

Before they went to take desserts!!!

Cheesecake is good.

Icecream also got standard one! Damn nice.
Because I was trying to finish the main food, I couldn't eat much dessert. :(
Only ate a cheesecake, the icecream, two eclairs and that's all.. >:(
nts: Take just one piece per item when buffet-ing with these two or either two!

When there was a break. kek.
Sad that Jolene couldn't join us today and is probably missing the last lesson too. :(
We haven't taken pictures of us three before!

Black Spider and White Spider!


OHOH! Sister treated me to MEDZ one fine day. I still prefer Marche but the food is good! Love the apple crumble and crepe icecream! :D

At the end of the day, I only have myself to blame.