How time flies though! It's already the second day of 2012's last month....... &I've read it somewhere that December is like the "Friday" of the year! Interesting~ But but, I'm not really feeling this TGIF....... :/ I just wish things can just slow down a little bit more so I can stay 21 forever. lol.
Okay, my last week of November went something like this~~~~
Met up with Jasmine for a simple lunch and a little bit shopping on Tuesday! Couldn't shop much because I am really broke to my bones! Kindda worried because I am still not done with my Christmas gifts and outfit. :(( &For people who are doubting me.... I am REALLY broke to my bones. I just keep spending my future money which I hope wish and pray would come in soon soon! Sigh.

Saw this and bought it as an early Christmas gift for Xiaoxuan!
We don't usually exchange gift but I thought it was cute~ &most importantly, it is afforadable!

As requested by Xiaoxuan herself!
Too stressed from studying and thus desserts!!!!

Also my early Christmas present for her. Heh.
I am NEVER a macaroon fan.
But the most acceptable ones I've had are the ones from TWG and Antoinette.
Is it weird that I'm a girl but not crazy about sweetstuffs? :/

Next morning, met up with Xiaoxuan for a goood swim! :D

And sobs! My color totally became white!
Surprising how it looks purple in pictures now though. Tsk.

&Here's the only bad note I have to my end of November.
After the long morning with Xiaoxuan, I came home wanting to blog only to see this.
Sigh. To think I was still boasting about it's durability a week ago.
&Double sigh at it spoiling when I'm at my broke-st period! :(
Can't even buy a new laptop! :(

&Here's how I painstakingly use my laptop. Sigh.
Makes my neck sore because the eye angle is weird!
Only thing good is the clarity of my dramas! HEHE

&Here's just a random picture of Sugar and my dad. :D

"Pa. What you looking at?"

"Oh. Annoying sis taking picture again."

Different tea taste from the bubbletea shop near my place!

&This was my Thursday!
Jiaxuan randomly gave me a call and said she wanna come my place for lunch and to study~
I like random times like these. hehe.

&Here's us reminising the past.
Time. What are you doing? Time. Stalp!
ps: Update on 2NE1 New Evolution